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Education/About/Office Hours/February 19 2019

From Outreach Wiki

Ask me & Tell me Anything

hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Education Team
link Friday, February 22, 12:30 UTC

[Join the Google Meet]


Which topic would you like to share/discuss/ask about? Add your suggestions here:

  • IYIL(International Year of Indigeneous Language)
  • Education team participating in Mobile Learning Week 2019
  • Education Newsletter
  • Education Mapping exercise
  • Wikimedia + Education Conference communication channels, forms...
  • Evaluation practices in the Education movement


  • Liang (Wikimedia Taiwan)
  • Melissa Guadalupe (WMF)
  • Sailesh Patnaik (WMF)
  • Robin Owain (WMUK)
  • Gopala Krishna (CIS-A2K)
  • Paulo (WM Portugal)
  • Galib Hasan
  • Galder

Minutes of the meeting:

Chat on the Celtic Knot


which will be in the town of Pentir,

  • Robin: Cornwal, the place which got the most thrived Cornish language users. Cornish language is one of the 6 Celtic languages, and has around around 3,000 speakers.


  • Liang: If you can tell me
  • Sailesh: In Wikimedia platform, to explore communities in those programs and  promote Mother language education programs. Nichole will be the best one to explain the IYIL.
  • Melissa: In Iberoconf 2019 Conference, e.g. In Latin America, differenct social category among population, "indigemous people" is can be a contested term. So now rename from "indigenous languages" to "language of Latin America". In Argentina & Mexico tehre's been initiatives by the chapters to create material in original languages and promote Wikipedias in original languages. People trying to make languages more prominent. And also they are trying to reach to the native speakers of those languages. Not forcing people to share native speaker without the colonized/patrionized spainish influence. At the same time, also a big population speak spainsh and their own language in urban settings (indigenous peoples aren't always isolated), but its not well as regarded. So how to make those native languages more representative. Some very specific discussion on culture right now.
  • Liang: In Taiwan also there is a similar issue, we just had a new language code approved by the ISO, the languages's code name was wrongly desginated. It is a group of 10,000 or 5000 speakers, their language code was wrongly given to a bigger language. The incubator admins requires the official documentation to change the code for the language, which usually take 3-4 years. Even within their community they have different ideology on how to call their language or community
  • Robin: That's really interesting, Melissa mentioned earlier, Suomi language in Northern Finland. Wales is a minority language with 700,000 speakers and is also an official language. We found a new usergroup. I am founding member of that. Wikipediaediting is a formal part of the National Curriculam in schools in Wales.
  • Sailesh: Robin, you mentioned Saomi people. Is that the same language that Wikimedia Norway is working with.  
  • Sailesh: Very interesting they are working on this project.
  • Robin: Indeed.
  • Sailesh: I see more people are joining. Welcome Gopala, Galib, and Paulo. If you have the previous calls meeting minutes, you will find out there are some similar passages as the last one. Thank you for sharing Robin, very inspired. In India, we don't call the local language or indo-european languages as indigeneous laguages, we call it a tribal langauge. I heard the "Indigeneous languages" I feel that is very western.
  • Liang: The expereince of indigenous people before 1980 in Taiwan was called... 山胞 which means "tribemen lives in mountains", and it takes the democratization process and the self awareness within the indigeneous people to change the name of the people into 原住民 (indigenous people)
  • Melissa: Should value and promote

UN Mobile Learning Week

  • Melissa: Next week will be UN Mobile Learning Week. Last two times Nichole went, but this is the first time Wikimedia Foundation have a table.

March 4-8, banners, desks, documentaries, swags, map showing education programs. John & Another WMF staff will also be there. Nichole is also presenting some material there, it will be a panel. To discuss how AI is used in Wikimedia movement, and the value of using the AI as an ally instead of the replacement of the human input. If you know there are people going to Paris in the begining of March, let us know. https://en.unesco.org/mlw

  • Sailesh: WMDE and Wikimedia Sweden will also be there.
  • Liang: Sounds like a big Wikimedia group of people there in Paris!
  • Sailesh: Yeah, we were joking that if we cannot get a table, let's just buy a table from IKEA and stay there. LOL
  • Paulo: Is there a chance to present?

Education Newsletter

  • Robin: What is the twitter account?
  • Sailesh: Next time if you write an Education newsletter, please mention that when you submit, so we can add that when publish. Also we add categories, such as if I want to learn more about WikiCamp, now we can do that by only click once to show all the related articles. I will add some of the categories myself. Teacher training programs, senior citizen programs... If you have new program that has not been there, you can also add your own, if you are doing any other programs.
  • Paulo: I have questions. Is it .... in the end... channel... all to link... link there... this is the AfroCrowd... not in the social media.
  • Sailesh: It's fine.
  • Paulo: I will put it an icon as in the facebook? Just the username or whatever it is, could be more.... Also the hashtag, I would suggest to add ..., so we could ... instead of university projects... that can easily... to avoid people inventing new tags, they can easily group the acativities. Another thing, not my country... Portugal ... not obvious on the title. When you read the title, it is not as obvious as the GLAM letter. In GLAM letter you can group by countries, and I have not seen and it is not prepared...
  • Sailesh: We have a feedback similar to that, rather individually not a group newsletter. Paulo your article can go to two newsletter, one is ..., one is .... There is not problem of double topics included. We can add base on country as well. Now the categories are - Education/Newsletter/Wikipedia assignment, Education/Newsletter/Wikiclub, Education/Newsletter/student editing training, Education/Newsletter/teacher editing training, Education/Newsletter/WikiCamp
  • Sailesh: I see this as a feedback and I will ask Nichole regarding this.

Education Mapping exercise

  • Sailesh: During July - September 2018, me and a co intern Allen have mapped the education projects/activities that happended/happening in the Wikimedia movement, in the end we have identified 180 activities, it is in a google spreadsheet and now various cagorization of the programs. Background of that work, we have gathered various reports/facebook pages... e.g. Some of the Chinese Facebook from Taiwan, also Belgium/Netherland... There is a challenge find a baseline, you can see some of the gap is still there. We are just establishing the database for the community, if there are similar kind of program, so it is going to be as simple database for people to access the database. We plan to publish by end February or early March, I would like you to have a peek. There is some hole and missing here, we want to outsource these activities.
  • Liang: Will it be in English and Google spreadsheet? Could this be put on Wikidata?
  • Sailesh: We are thinking find a place like Wikidata but somewhere else so we can keep those data.
  • Liang: Just feel that Wikidata is a good place to international ...
  • Sailesh: Translation tags...
  • Robin: What you are saying really brings many things here. Small languages incubation. Wikidata actually has a role here. To make google translation better. In the last year google translation become much better when we make a lot of articles into Walsh Wikipedia. The cracks of what the concerns is Mozilla is doing, the common voice project. It is really important to machine translation, for better translating. If you want to help the ..., the indirect way of doing it, I really mean this. If we are going to unite, become voice tech speak in different machine in next few years, then I think it's mozilla common voice that is doing it. I think it is simplified Wikimedia education, very essencial. If I go to a part in Russia, I would rather learn the English one. It is the diversity of that language.

Mozilla's Common Voice: http://www.cavs.org.uk/common-voice-project/

  • Sailesh: We don't have Google translation in my language so no idea ;) And we are 30 million speakers. They have a simple replies that they don't make money on this.
  • Robin: I find that a excuse. Walsh ask Google 6-7 years ago, they informed us the mechanisn to fund the language is to the number of articles in that language on Wikipedia. If it's reach a certain nubmer, and as long as we reach out 100,000 articles, the google translation become so much better in Walsh. And last year the Walsh government become to fund several hundred thousand pounds to support the Walsh language. Training Wikipedia and Wikidata will become funded by the government. And there is also a condition for Walsh, whatever they finance, you have to make the license in the open license format if it is the grant. Gareth Morlais spoke on Welsh Gov funding + support of Welsh language WP at Celtic Knot in June: Gareth Morlais (Welsh Language Unit, Llywodraeth Cymru - Welsh  https://media.ed.ac.uk/media/Welsh-language+technology+and+digital+media+-+Gareth+Morlais+%28Welsh+Language+Unit%2C+Llywodraeth+Cymru+-+Welsh+Government%29/1_snvn50d4Government):

Wikimedia + Education Conference

  • Liang: I also wonder if there is a telegram group. No further qeustions for now.

Evaluation practices in the Education movement

  • Sailesh: Evaluate the work of education movement. For the next office hour, we are planning to have a team for evaluation techniques. Just want to announce first for you if you want to join.
  • Melissa: Next month there is a conference at UNESCO called Mobile learning week, this is the first time we managed to have a table for Wikimedia movement. We will have banners, videos and "swag" and other information regarding Wikimedia Education movement, there will be members from WMSE and WMDE and other Wikimedians. Nichole is presenting a sympossium, Nichole is participating in a panel explaining how Wikipedia is using or not using AI. Please, join us if you're around and tell more people about it!  
  • Sailesh: There's a slightly new design for the newsletter articles. There's a new format for the title (background color), and the chance to add social media handles at the end and hashtags so it's better spread in our social media accounts. This is based on an anecdote. Also, add categories to the articles (suggested: Education/Newsletter/Wikipedia assignment, Education/Newsletter/Wikiclub, Education/Newsletter/student editing training, Education/Newsletter/teacher editing training, Education/Newsletter/WikiCamp) so they're easier to find for people, categories also possible on categories of country, easier for folks to read articles from their region.
  • Paulo: Newsletter article posted, having more than one category could not be the best way  
  • Sailesh : we can have more discussion around it, we're still developing it

  • Sailesh: next point in the agenda: mapping exercise - it's a data base currently located in a Google Spreadsheet, divided by different categories (country, institutions, typ of program, WM project, etc.). My colleague and I explroed different platforms the community has addopted (on wiki, facebook, conference reports, etc.). It's going to be an accessible data base for all people to find education projects in the movement. We're gonna make it available for a first public review - feedback soon, there's some missing data and we want to collect it. We know that there's more than 180 activities, Education movement is one of the oldest movements in Wikimedia. We0re trying to source information from the community through the spreadsheet and other forms.
  • Liang: will it be shown in spreadhsset and english?
  • Sailesh: for now in english, yeah, but we're still exploring where we're gonna keep it only currently on a Google spreadsheet.
  • Liang: I wonder if it's possible to link the project in wikidata
  • Sailesh: I'm afraid cus these are not individual projects or affiliate projects...we were actually thinking of having a wikispace (kinda wikidata) but we're still exploring other places for it to become a multilingual information. I think that's one of the concerns, having it multilingual, yes?
  • Liang: yes, and i'd prefer that once I translate a term it'll be used in other places, that's why I feel wikidata is really useful on this. if you're using google spreadsheet isn't actually really good for data...it still needs to have a lot of manual work to identify the same project in different places, maybe 90% manual. Better to have a data base in a more advance structure where we can make the human error minimized.  
  • Sailesh: that sounds good. this is a very initial stage of the project and I give this as noted, definitely on platforms where we can make this data as a multilingual resource. That's exactly the point of the work, that it can be more accesible by more communities.
  • Liang: yes, language is really a barrier that we could and should reduce
  • Sailehs: yes, I remember you talking about how you translate the newsletters to share it with your institutional partners
  • Liang: yes, professors teaching in Taiwan
  • Sailesh: I'll work more on the translation tags for the newsletter starting next month.
  • Liang: google translate tends to be gibberish
  • Robin: what you're sying brings many things we've discussed together, for small languages wikidata is really important here, melissa mentioned the projects of unesco in AI which is really important what's happening in wikipedia,  

Machining coding / translateion is essential,  so that we can understand each other. Google translation has become much better in Welsh after we reached to 100,000 articles. If minority languages understand each other, we can, together, be on par with the larger languages.

 As Wikidata is to Wikipedia, It is same as Mozilla for smaller languages (common voice project) which we all can use in future, as it's open source.

  • Robin: mentioned that Google's main criteria on their funding decissions is the number of articles in that language on Wikipedia.

  • Sailesh: next topic on the agenda: Wikimedia & Education Conference. This is the hashtag: #WikiEdu2019
  • Liang: I wonder if there's commons category
  • Liang: 1. A telegram group, 2. Commons Category,

  • Sailesh: we're planning to have a theme on understanding differnent evaluation practices in the movement (this started from a conversation with Florencia in the previous office hours). just wanted to say in advance so you're excited to join the next call. that'll be part of the agenda. so we're almost done with the agenda now, thanks everyone for all we had today