Education/Countries/México/Tec de Monterrey/Wiki Learning/Fall 2012

Comunicación y estudios de medios
[edit]es:Tipos de discurso, es:The Tipping Point, es:Order & Chaos Online, es:Teoría de cultivo, es:Efecto Kuleshov, es:Cromoterapia. Participants
- Maya.yrigoyen
- AlejandraCaloca
- DGamerT
- es:Usuario:Fle3tw00dFle3tw00d
- Acastroc08
- Kuleshov
- Estudio medios
Added 354,345 bytes to
Day of the Dead Wiki Style
[edit]This was a photo contest for Tec students with the aim of photo-documenting local traditions related to this important Mexican holiday. Photos can be seen at [1]
Best photo