Education/News/August 2021/"Searching for the unschooling vibes around Wikipedia" at the Wikimania 2021

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Wikimania 2021 and the unschooling vibes around Wikipedia by Wikimedia Polska, Education team

Author: Klara Sielicka-Baryłka (WMPL) (talk)

Summary: The education team of Wikimedia Polska has been to Wikimania 2021! The "Searching for the unschooling vibes around Wikipedia" talk was about the experiences (both good and challenging) of the newcomers from the education world, while they are interacting with the Wikimedia community.

The "Searching for the Unschooling Vibes around Wikipedia" talk given by me (the author of this article), was a part of a bigger speech titled "Wikimedia Poland: Building a Holistic Support Infrastructure" which took place on the 14th of August 2021 at the virtual Wikimania. Members of Wikimedia Polska have prepared presentations which tried to explain that "...a holistic support architecture, based on a well-thought community support, is vital for making Wikimedia a space in which different groups — editors, educators, GLAMs, researchers ― can act toward providing universal access to knowledge."

During the part about education, four essential points on the teachers` path to Wikipedia were being discussed: access to knowledge, motivation, recognition, fun & safe space.

You are warmly invited to read the slides here. and the video of the speech here (the educational part starts from 22:10). Enjoy and be inspired!

Social Media channels or hashtags: #school #edukacja #education #wikimediapolska #Wikimania #Wikimania21