Education/News/March 2021/Filling Gaps - the Conference about Education in Poland

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Filling the Gaps & Open Education Week

Author: Klara Sielicka-Baryłka (WMPL) (talk)

Summary: To mark the Open Education Week 2021, the conference "What is worth teaching today to make it tomorrow useful #FillingGaps" was organized by Wikimedia Poland and Katalyst Education on the 5th of March.

Behind the title we have jointly chosen there is a conviction that we can talk about the gaps in education by pointing to creative solutions and good practices, directing the field of teaching towards active action to raise the competence of the future, both on the part of those who teach and those who are taught. We invited academics, teachers, and experts in the field of education to talk about topics, that should and could be present within the school curriculum: cosmic education, accessibility issues, cultural OER, climate education, and Wiki-Education, as well as media literacy including fact-checking competency. More than 330 people registered for the event, and on the day of the event, the audience was both in the webinar room and on two simultaneous Facebook broadcasts. We were very pleased with the high ratings and words of appreciation we received in the post-event survey. Session recordings are here, and slides are here Our technological partner was ClickMeeting.

"An annual celebration, Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. Started in 2012 by the Open Education Global as a collaborative, community-built open forum, Open Education Week seeks to raise awareness and highlight open education efforts worldwide. OE Week provides practitioners, educators, and students an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of open educational practices and be inspired by the wonderful work being developed by the community around the world." [source: OEWeek website]

Social Media channels or hashtags: #OEWeek #OEWeek2021 #education #wikimediapolska #STEM