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Education/Newsletter/December 2015/The Wikipedia Education Program now on Twitter

From Outreach Wiki

By Sara Mörtsell (Wikimedia Sweden)

To complement the the Facebook group for WEP, there is now a twitter account associated to the global education program - @WikiEduProgram. The account will tweet the newsletter and the individual news, it will also be able to share news, announcements and calls in the Facebook group that are of interest to followers outside of group members.

A couple of things you can do to help get @WikiEduProgram going:

  • If you're a twitter user, make sure to follow the account as it will help the account curate an informative feed of users who have knowledge about WEP and events going on around the world.
  • Whatever language you tweet in, if your tweets have information relevant to @WikiEduProgram, make sure to mention the account in the tweet and it will be able to retweet your news to others and endorse your activities.
  • Encourage other twitter users in your networks to follow the account, this is an opportunity for WEP to communicate to a new audience.
  • If you are not a twitter user...
  • Do you want to help manage the account? Contact me and I'll share the account details.