Talk:Wikipedia Loves Libraries/Editing ideas

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Build bibliographies[edit]

Under the "Build bibliographies" section, I'm wondering if and how you'd like to list

Or, whether they should be separated into a different section? or not mentioned at all?

Those pages are to do with the pure lists, generally either by author (Eg. w:List of Maya Angelou works (a Featured List)), or by subject (eg. w:Bibliography of fly fishing and w:Bibliography of Jehovah's Witnesses). The former are well accepted, but the latter are often in poor shape or under dispute; hence, you might want to just recommend that new editors get involved with the "by author" type.

Hope that makes sense. I tried to condense a complex issue into a short explanation. :) Quiddity (talk) 20:41, 13 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Local history[edit]

Why not editing on local history subjects. Italian public libraries have a Local history Section, I suppose also american punlic libraies; and these there is a lot of bibliographic materials usefull for writing on local historical building, association, monuments etc. Susanna --Giaccai (talk) 03:38, 24 September 2013 (UTC)[reply]