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This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia:Administrators and the translation is 50% complete.

إداريون (المعروفون أيضًا باسم مشغلو النظام (sysop)) هم المستخدمون الذين لديهم القدرة الفنية على حذف أو إزالة حذف الصفحات، ومنع أو إزالة منع للمستخدمين، وحماية الصفحيات وعدم حمايتها، من بين الوظائف الأخرى.

In order to be granted administrator rights, a user must have a history of editing on other Wikimedia projects and should be familiar with the goals of the Outreach project before requesting the user right. Any user can request it (with the same requirements) to local bureaucrats at the requests for permissions page. Bureaucrats have the right to remove this right in instances of abuse, although good faith will always be assumed in instances of wrongdoing, unless it becomes systematic.

٢١ users now have admin rights on Outreach-wiki.

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