Ambassador Program/Measures of success

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What does it mean for an Ambassador to be "successful"? What is the definition of success for Campus and Online Ambassadors?

Key (priority level):

  • @@@: Essential. This is an absolute necessity for an Ambassador to be considered successful.
  • @@: Fairly important. Ambassadors are highly encouraged but not absolutely expected to meet this criterion.
  • @: Nice to have. Not a core part of the Ambassador role, but it is excellent if an Ambassador manages to do this.

Campus Ambassadors (10 measures of success maximum)

  1. Responsive to requests and questions from professors, students, and fellow Ambassadors @@@
  2. Friendly and encouraging to professors, students, and fellow Ambassadors @@@
  3. Knowledgeable about core Wikipedia topics @@
  4. Effective at teaching Wikipedia skills @@
  5. Quality of student articles from this CA's class is high @@
  6. Quantity of student articles from this CA's class meets or exceeds original goals of class @
  7. Did outreach to other potential professors and/or Ambassadors @
  8. Helped to establish a more institutional presence locally for the program (e.g. establishing partnerships with libraries, centers on campus, departments, etc.) @

Online Ambassadors (10 measures of success maximum)

  1. Responsive to requests and questions from professors, students, and fellow Ambassadors @@@
  2. Friendly and encouraging to professors, students, and fellow Ambassadors @@@
  3. Effective at explaining Wikipedia skills @@@
  4. Knowledgeable about core Wikipedia topics @@
  5. Proactively gave students feedback about article formatting and whether student work is following core Wikipedia policies @@
  6. Quality of student articles from this OA's class is high @@
  7. Quantity of student articles from this OA's class meets or exceeds original goals of class @
  8. Did outreach to other potential professors and/or Ambassadors @
  9. Technical expertise for wiki syntax, templates, formatting @