Category:Education/Newsletter/April 2017
Pages in category "Education/Newsletter/April 2017"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Building a global network for Education
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Cairo and Al-Azhar Universities students wrap up their ninth term and start their tenth term on WEP
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Education at WMCON17
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Glimpse of small language Wikipedia incubation partnership in Taiwan
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/How responsible should teachers be for student contributions?
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Key to recruiting seniors as Wikipedians is long-term work
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Mobile Learning Week 2017
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/OER17
- Education/Newsletter/April 2017/Western Armenian WikiCamper promotes Wikiprojects in his school