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Education/Newsletter/September 2012/Czech program concentrates on promotion and high-quality guidelines

From Outreach Wiki
200 students of Parasitology at Faculty of Science, Charles University, listen to a lecture about how Wikipedia works and how one can edit it (October 2012)

Winter term 2012/2013 has already started at all Czech universities - and the Students Write Wikipedia team is busy polishing the final details of the upcoming class projects. To promote our 'ambassador program' even more, we have prepared a wall poster (aiming at potential cooperators among the teachers) and a hand-out leaflet (that is to be used mainly at conferences and exhibitions that the local chapter attends). Both papers are in print right now. To sustain a personal contact with our students, we have already made (or are going to make) a few lectures in cities where our projects take place this year - Prague, Olomouc, Brno, but also Teplice.

A small-scale survey among last year students showed that the most 'wanted' form of help are simple, written guidelines, followed by a call for 'explanatory videos' as the second most wanted type of help giving. We materialized these results in FAQ-style guidelines, relating to the most important Wikipedia editing features. Of course, students are still encouraged to write us an e-mail (studentiwikimedia.cz) or ask at our Facebook page - and so is anyone who wants to find out more about our program.