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Finn Årup Nielsen (fnielsen)

Program Information


Wiki Project Brede Works

  • Wiki Project Brede Works is a Wikipedia project aimed to improve the articles concerning issues related to industrialization, including Brede Works.
  • Run for the last three weeks on the Danish-language Wikipedia, 22 April 13 May 2013.
  • Students from Ørestad Gymnasium and Det frie Gymnasium have been writing articles about the industrialisation in Denmark, based on materials from Brede Værk, which is part of the National Museum.
  • The students were assigned sandboxes to allow them to create their own articles with minimal interference. Three of the articles have now been moved to the main namespace, while two others need to be merged into pre-existing articles, one needs a general improvement, and one needs to be merged with an article that a group of students created when they tried to avoid damaging another group's work.
  • The three-week process has been frustrating (generally in a good way), but apparently the fear of changing someone else's text is something we need to work on.
  • We plan to have more collaboration with the gymnasiums and the museum.
  • The teachers are very keen on doing a project again. And three weeks was too short.
  • The final touch in this project will be an article in Danske Museer ( and possibly in a magazine for teachers.

15 ECTS point course


Nalle Kirkvåg from Copenhagen University planned a Wikipedia course at the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication of Copenhagen University, but had to cancel because there were too few students. Read more at (in Danish).



Since 2012, we've had a group of Wikipedians visiting schools and talking about Wikipedia. We're now (2015) adding a group of contact teachers to assist both their colleagues and us in bridging the gap between Wikipedia and the world of education.

Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark


Additional Information
