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On 11 November 2015 User:Basak, one of our community members, gave an introductory lecture about Wikipedia to the graduate students of Uludag University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology taking the Current Perspectives in Social Psychology course. This is how the Education Program in Turkey has started.

In the Fall term we have continued to colleborate with professors of Uludag University Psychology Department. This time there was a Wikipedia lecture for a very large group graduate students (102 students! ) taking History of Psychology course. In April 2016, we had another lecture for a small group of doctorate students in Technological Communication and Social Behaviour course. All students have submitted their Wikipedia assignments at the end of May 2016 and contributed to the development of Turkish articles under Pschology category. At the end of the term, we have received very from the students and that encouraged the user group to continue with the program. We still continue to collaborate with Psychology department at Uludag University. Every year the doctorate students develop articles on pscyhology as a part of their course requirement of Social Behaviouor and Technological Communication.

On October 12th, we have organized an online meeting with the students of Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies at Yüzüncü Yıl University, Van. Sakhalinio and Basak were the guest speakers. It was so exciting to meet with teachers-to-be and discuss about the methods that Wikipedia could be integrated into the courses. That event was folllowed by a presentation to students of the Education Faculty at Uludag University on November 2nd 2016. It was organized by the Information Technologies student club and the participants were the students of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies.

On November 9th, 2016 Sakhalinio visited Sakarya University and initiated an education program on geography department and Basak has joined the program online. At the end of the program on Sakarya University, 70 students have created articles about in Turkish wikipedia. That's how we have completed the Fall 2015-2016 term.

Because of the block of Wikipedia in Turkey between 2017-2020 the education program activites could not increased as planned but even in that period there were some university courses where Wikipedia assignments were given and students were encouraged to use Wikipedia by using VPN and similar technologies. Some examples are Content and Resource Management in Digital Media course at Galatasaray University Faculty of Communications (İstanbul);Internet Security Protocols course at TOBB University (Ankara).

After the removal of the block, we could continue working with universities freely. Since the COVid-19 pandemic started the schools have to continue their activities with distance learning in 2019-2020 academic year and we adopt our program accordingly. The Wikipedia Educatin Program continue in Uludag and Sakarya Universities, we also have started to work with professors in Baskent University Psychology Department and Çankırı Karatekin University Political Science Department.

After each experience the organizers have reported the lecture notes, the initial thoughts of the instructor, the list of users and the articles creted as assignment. The lessons that has been learned from each experience were very valuable for future programs. Please see tho lecture notes (in Turkish) for each event .

See also
