Education/Greenhouse/GOES project

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Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse Project

Learn about the project selected for the first ever Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse: Growing Open and Eco-friendly Skills for Youth in Ghana (GOES)


Meet the Team!

Growing Open and Eco-Friendly Skills for the Youth (GOES)
Growing Open and Eco-Friendly Skills for the Youth (GOES)

Andrews Lartey :: Project Manager

Benedicta Nartey :: Partnerships | Finance Lead

Joy Agyepong :: Project Advisor from OFWA (as Fiscal Sponsor)

Ruby Damenshie-Brown :: Communications and Community Engagement Coordinator - OFWA

Pamela Ofori-Boateng :: GOES Communications Lead

Naa Kwarley :: Language Translator (OFWA)

Gameli Bediako :: Communications (Volunteer OFWA)

Nii Armaquaye :: Environmental Researcher

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The Project


How this project will make a difference


GOES project is a mentorship program that is focused on using Wikimedia tools for community based development. It is targeted at rural fishing community in the Central Region of Ghana towards using wikimedia tools to manage, acquire and share knowledge and findings for creating a high-tech community garden and community green planting project to curb the malnourishment in school kids and develop skills of the youth.

The project will involve developing Do It Yourself (DIY) garden hacks to automate farm processes such as irrigation, temperature control, harvesting, storage, etc whiles using Wikimedia projects to research, document, and plan all the activities. The objective of the project is for students to learn circular economy concepts around food storage, food processing, reuse of farm by-products, recycling of farm waste to grow more food to curb malnourishment and unemployment in the region(through organizational skills learned in the course of participating in the project). The project will end in an exhibition of the community garden, that hopes to engage the local community.

The class will be made up of an equal participation of male and females. Embarking on this program with a leadership training component will enlighten the females and males to invest in their future. The target age group are secondary school students.

The project will use, but to mention a few:

Wikicommons: The team along with the students will contribute pictures, videos about the project and the town onto wikicommons

Mediawiki: The team will create a local platform for documenting the project and managing the timelines

Wikiversity: The project team will create a course on building local innovations such african shoes, african beads, african pots, local recipes.

Our Partners

  1. Heritage Academy : Heritage Academy as a partner has offered a land space for the garden-canteen-common library, assigned teachers to support the program and allowed access to engage with students in the project. Heritage Academy stands out in the region not only because of its high pass rate on the national exams, but also because of its philosophy, which is informed by these seven principles: Knowledge, Integrity, Discipline, Respect, Responsibility, Simplicity, and Hard Work. Heritage Academy was the first school in the area to focus on the empowerment of girls as well as the first to institute a no-caning policy. Students are taught to ask ‘why’ and learn critical thinking skills – instead of rote memorization which is common in the Ghanaian educational system.
  2. Open Foundation West Africa (OFWA) : OFWA is the fiscal sponsor for the GOES Project. The Open Foundation West Africa is a registered not for profit organization in Ghana. Its mission is to extend the reach of Open Movement Activities in West Africa, through open education and education programs, digitizing open resources, preserving cultural and heritage items for educational purposes and promoting contents about the West African region and existent countries. One of its core missions is to aid and encourage people to collect, develop and disseminate knowledge and other educational, cultural and historic content in the public domain or under a license that allows everyone to freely use, distribute and modify said content without the payment of royalties.
  3. School Farms : School Farms as a partner supports with engaging the students to work on the school-community garden through planning and engaging in activities on the garden. School Farms is a rural community-based school feeding support program that empowers local community schools to grow their own food. It creates a space to help students gain practical skills and explore opportunities in agriculture.
  4. Octavecorp : Octavecorp as a partner engages with the project team and students on developing circular economy concepts to be implemented in the project. Octavecorp is a consultancy and advisory service company focused on the circular economy.
  5. AgroMindset : Agromindset as a partner supports in the development of curriculum for the garden and provide advise on gardening. Agro Mindset is a mission driven firm specializing in agribusiness ventures. Our focus is to run highly profitable farm-based enterprises with long term growth potential and showcase this know how to young aspiring farmers in an industry relevant manner. We always strive to be on the cutting edge of innovation and create new industry standards across the spectrum. We are committed to developing Africa’s agribusiness ecosystem.
  6. GIZ Ghana : GIZ Ghana as a partner provides logistical support for the garden, canteen and common library.
  7. Girls Education Initiative of Ghana (GEIG) : GEIG as a partner, provides scholarship support for the girls who will take part in the program to tertiary. GEIG provides academic and financial support for girls and applicants with special needs so that they can access higher education and professional opportunities. GEIG will transform the lives of young women in Ghana and improve development and poverty reduction of the country overall by offering higher education and professional opportunities to an untapped source of talent.
  8. Space Accra : Space Accra as a partner, designs and builds the canteen and common library and some part of the garden for the project. Our commitment in providing a service that is unique and customer-oriented is based on our passion to create exceptional spaces that transform lifestyles. This passion, coupled with the team’s expertise and creativity, has driven our team to convert ideas into reality, thereby providing a unique solution for every client. At SPACE we aim to create stillness out of chaos, inspiration out of obtuseness and productivity out of inefficiency. We believe that the spaces we exist in affect the way we lead our lives, either inspiring and motivating us through thoughtful and purposeful design, or acting as a detriment to the things we set out to accomplish. By aiming to provide services that do the former, we offer you the best solution for a transformative space.
  9. University of Education Winneba - College of Languages Education (UEW-CLE) : UEW-CLE as a partner, supports in the translation of the contents to local languages. UEW-CLE currently has two faculty, the Faculty of Languages Education and Faculty of Foreign Languages Education and Communication.

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Growing Open and Eco-Friendly Skills for the Youth (GOES)
Growing Open and Eco-Friendly Skills for the Youth (GOES)

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