Education/News/October 2019/Lectures on Wikipedia at the University of Warsaw
Lectures on Wikipedia at the the University of Warsaw
Author: Klara Sielicka-Baryłka (WMPL)
Summary: Students of the Artes Liberales Faculty (and a few people from other faculties)of the University of Warsaw, convinced by the syllabus of Wikipedia classes, will improve their wiki-competence in the fall-winter semester.

Students of the Artes Liberales Faculty (and a few people from other faculties)of the University of Warsaw, convinced by the syllabus of Wikipedia classes, will improve their wiki-competence in the fall-winter semester. Lucky Thirteen wants to create 13 new articles (and extend more than that) related to the subject of their Faculty`s challenges: Ecology of Culture and Culture&Religion. We started from lectures on GLAM-wiki projects and general editing rules. Students set up accounts and compiled a list of articles. The plans include e.g. extending the article about anthropocene in Polish Wikipedia, as well as make more visible wiki-existence of Polish graphic artists in Polish and English Wikipedia. Students also chose to work on Celtic rituals and role-playing games from Dungeons&Dragons world. This action is part of whole #EthnoWiki (EtnoWiki) initiative.