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Education/News/September 2019/Wiki Goes to School is back in three cities in Indonesia

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Wiki Goes to School is back in three cities in Indonesia

Summary: After successfully collaborated with three educational institutions in Yogyakarta for Wikipédia Menyang Sekolah (en: Wikipedia Goes to School) in 2018 to 2019, Wikimedia Indonesia arranged the same program, with a slightly different name, that is Wiki Masuk Sekolah (WMS), which lasts from this year to the upcoming 2020.

Wikipédia Menyang Sekolah (WMS) was a training program on how to write on Javanese Wikipedia that was integrated with the school's or university’s curricula. The program lasted from November 2018 to May 2019. The volunteers of Wikimedia Indonesia Community in Yogyakarta had already collaborated with three universities for this program, they were Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), and Universitas PGRI Semarang. This resulted in 422 articles created and edited during the program, and 132 students contributed to this program.

This year, Wikimedia Indonesia decided to continue with the same program but changed the name a little bit into a more general one using Indonesian language. The previous name, Wikipédia Menyang Sekolah was Javanese, which referred to Wikipedia Goes to School in English. Now, the name of the program is Wiki Masuk Sekolah (WMS) or Wiki Goes to School in English.

However, in this year’s WMS program, Wikimedia Indonesia does not only involve Wikimedia Indonesia Community in Yogyakarta. Wikimedia Indonesia tries to engage more local communities, in order to cover larger scope, they are Wikimedia Indonesia Community in Padang (West Sumatra) and Wikimedia Indonesia Community in Bandung (West Java). The volunteers from these Wikimedia Indonesia’s local communities are the ones who will carry out the WMS program in their regions and their local languages. The WMS program in Padang will focus on Minangkabau Wikipedia, in Bandung will focus on Sundanese Wikipedia, and in Yogyakarta will focus on Javanese Wikipedia. Besides collaborating with the universities, there will be collaborations with some High Schools as well, and WMS will be a part of their extracurricular programs.



In Padang, WMS has been ongoing since August 2019 in SMAN 6 Padang (Padang 6 High School). So far, there have been two meetings held in there by the volunteers from Wikimedia Indonesia Community in Padang. Wikimedia Indonesia will also sign a MoU with Universitas Andalas (UNAND) for this program in Padang. In Yogyakarta, Wikimedia Indonesia has already signed an MoU with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), which will be started in the mid of September. In Bandung, there will be a collaboration between Wikimedia Indonesia with SMAN 1 Cisarua (Cisarua 1 High School) which will be started in October.

We hope that the collaboration with the educational institutions for this WMS program in those regions will significantly increase the quantity and quality of the articles in Sundanese Wikipedia, Javanese Wikipedia, and also Minangkabau Wikipedia. Moreover, through this program, the teachers and the students will get more exposure, as well as knowledge related to the application of Wikipedia as their teaching-learning material.



To learn more about this program, please contact Amy at rahmi.nailah@wikimedia.or.id.

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