Education/News/September 2020/Active autumn in the Polish wiki-education

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Active autumn in the Polish wiki-education

Author: Klara Sielicka-Baryłka (WMPL) (talk) 17:02, 19 September 2020 (UTC)[reply]


At the beginning of September, we announced the results of the "Wikipedia as a substitute teacher" competition. The competition consisted of correcting and creating articles on Polish Wikipedia related to the core school curriculum. The jury consisted of Wikipedian teachers and teachers from the "Wiki-school" project. The article 'Film adaptation' won, and the author indicated which school would receive the award.

After the summer holidays, a pilot group of teachers from the Wiki-school project resumed their meetings. In the coming months, they are expected to conduct a lesson with the students based on Wikipedia or its sister projects and to write a lesson scenario. The scenarios will be included in the MOOC for teachers database developed by the Wikimedia Poland Education Department. MOOC has the in-progress status now, it is expected to be announced as ready in the early Spring.

Wikimedia Polska begins long-term cooperation with the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and the School of Humanities at this university. University authorities and lecturers, in cooperation with Wikipedians, are creating a project to introduce Wikipedia modules to the curriculum as teaching tools. The plans also include training in editing, coordinated digitization of archives, thematic mini-projects, cooperation during events like CEE Spring, International Women`s Day on Wikipedia, and creating the Academic Wiki-Club.

Social Media channels or hashtags: #education, Wikimedia Polska, Wikimedia Poland