Education/Program plans/Morocco

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Media Studies Classes


In our Media Classes, We rarely make use of the Internet during classes though the main aim of any media studies class is to understand how these different media forms surrounding us affect our life directly or indirectly. This include Print, Radio, Audio-visual and most importantly new media (The Internet). The Internet is almost used by eveybody nowadays. So, it will be more effective to make use of it and change those traditional forms of teaching and learning to more modern web-based teaching and learning methods. The aim of this program is to come up with a plan that will help teachers and students make use of the Internet during classes, that is to say, integrating something like Wikipedia, Youtube, Google, Bing and many other websites that could be more effective for both instructors and learners, and thus moving from lecturing to interaction, discussion, innovation and most of all diversity of veiws about the same topic. Information will be in the spot and students will make it the starting point to build up their own understanding to a certain phenomenon. Therefore, learner will become more critical thinkers and less passive consumers of information.

The purpose of sharing this program with Wikipedians is to bring up new ideas and different viewpoints that will certainly make my program applicable and defensible and most of all valid. I aim also at getting different practices on how to best integrate Wikipedia, Youtube, and any other website or program that will make Media classes more interactive, creative and enjoyable. Measuring Success



Big picture


Educational institutions and instructors

Roles and responsibilities
Numeric goal

Wikipedia Ambassadors

Roles and responsibilities
Numeric goal

Student editors

Roles and responsibilities
Numeric goal

Communications plan


Addressing problems


High-level timeline


List of participants
