Education/Surveys/Catalonia Viquimodernisme survey

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Catalonia Viquimodernism survey


What is your relationship with Wikipedia before participating in the viquiprojecte? (choose from list)

What do you think Wikipedia edit rather than a traditional job? (choose from list) (We would like to know the first feeling you had when you were explaining the "newness")

Starting to work

The introductory sessions to Wikipedia and viquiprojecte of Alex and Esther ... *

  • They were not necessary
  • Were enough to understand the project and its operation
  • I would have preferred them to be longer
  • I would have preferred to explain in more detail how to edit Wikipedia
  • Other:

Session doubts ... * Session doubts on December 13

The Wikipedia Universe

How would you describe your way of working of the article you responsible? *

  • I wrote the entire article in a word processor (Word type) and got hooked on Wikipedia when I thought I was ready
  • I wrote most of the article in a word processor (Word type) and got hooked on Wikipedia when I thought Stava ready, but I was modifying and repairing from Wikipedia
  • I created a test page and what was more laborious first tried it there and then engage the article
  • Went writing and formatting from page editing Wikipedia itself
  • Other:

The language wiki articles *

  • The use of brackets for links, quotes for bold, system headers, templates ...
  • I found it very difficult to understand and handle
  • I got used with relative ease
  • Other:

The images and the use of wikimedia commons * You have trouble loading images commons? You have problems with the use of the licenses? How can we improve it? (open)

The "community" ... *

  • On the other Wikipedians who occasionally also publishes article working
  • I suffered much thinking "destroying" the work
  • I was curious to know how we relacionaríem / understand each
  • They helped me in terms of format
  • They helped me in terms of content
  • I had conflicts with the community (tell us what happened, if resolved, etc.)
  • No other Wikipedian has published the article that I worked
  • Other:

The discussion pages ... *

  • Whether your users as working article
  • The pages of what?
  • I used my user discussion / Others
  • I used the discussion of the article
  • I did not need to use it

In addition to the relevant article of viquiprojecte, has published other articles or have participated in other Wikimedia projects? *

  • No. I made the article touched me and I will not re-edit Wikipedia
  • No. I made the article touched me but maybe in the future re-edit
  • Yes. Besides working my article, I have published other
  • Yes. Besides working my article, I uploaded files to other commons (not related viquimodernisme)
  • Yes. Besides working my article, I participated in Wikisource, Wiktionary, Wikiquote ...
  • Other:

Which highlight the positive aspects of the experience of viquiprojecte? (open)

And what negative? * We want to fix it! (open)

Back to participate in a similar experience? (scale: Certainly not to I'm sure)

All critical opinion on the draft proposal ... will be welcome!