Education/Newsletter/June 2013/Italian nursing students and Wikipedia

April 24th 2013, was the last date in the session meetings on Wikipedia addressed to the students of the last year of the Nursing Degrees at University of Milan (Italy), course's section Fondazione IRCCS - National Cancer Institute of Milan. The creator of the initiative was Franciaio, supported by WMIT and Ilario and Mizardellorsa in the role of teachers. The experience just ended will be continued next year too: the "Wikipedian day" probably will become a real elective course for nursing students at the University of Milan, with the assignment of university credits (CFU) required for graduation. In addition, three students have already been involved to put Wikipedia in the center of the dissertations for obtaining their degree in nursing, with development and edit of “Infermiere”, “Assistenza infermieristica” and “IPASVI” on it.wikipedia. This project has received the approval and recognition of the Federation of the Ipasvi Colleges, the body that represents Italian nurses on a national basis. Moreover other hospitals, helding degree courses, are interested to promote a similar initiative for their students. For more info contact Franciaio.