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User:Spiritia/BASA agreement

From Outreach Wiki

Agreement for collaboration



Address: Sofia, 5 “Moskovska” Str.,
represented by Assoc. Prof. Martin Ivanov Ivanov, Director of BASA, from one side, and

......(names, ID, position in Wikipedia).....

named below REPRESENTATIVE OF WIKIPEDIA, from the other side,

concluded the following aggreement.

THE TWO SIDES, considering the benefits from the establishment of a mutually advantageous collaboration, aimed at the promotion and advancing of their inherent functions and tasks, and based on the intention of the Archives State Agency of Bulgaria to promote the archive documents treasured in the Archives, and the intention of Wikipedia for enlargement and improvement of the virtual encyclopedia, came to agreement about the following:

І. The Archives State Agency in its capacity as the institution, which by virtue of the National Archives Act manages the documents from the Bulgarian national archives, grants the representative of Wikipedia access to the archive documents treasured in the Archives while observing the established normative acts and internal regulations for access to and usage of the archive documents.

  1. BASA undertakes to gives the representative of Wikipedia the opportunity to digitize archive documents – photographic documents, documents on paper or other media, with his/her own equipment (including scanning, photographing, optical character recognition and/or typesetting).
  2. BASA grants the digitized copies of documents to Wikipedia under the condition that they are uploaded in the multimedia repository of Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, licensed as public domain by means of the template http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Template:BASA-cooperation and categorized in relevant thematic categories and the category http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Images_from_the_Bulgarian_Archives_State_Agency which clearly indicates the source, namely BASA.
  3. BASA is not to be held responsible:
    1. for the ways of interpreting and utilizing the information, contained in the archive documents;
    2. when the usage of the archive documents contradicts the Copyright and Related Rights Act, or other laws;
    3. for any bad faith usage and abuse of the archive documents.

ІІ. The representative of Wikipedia, being a volunteer for the development of the electronic encyclopedia in accordance with the established principles of Wikipedia, agrees to act in good faith when performing the activities under this agreement.

  1. The representative of Wikipedia will be performing the documents digitization during the working hours of the reading rooms of BASA and commit himself / herself:
    1. to upload under the username ....................................... digital copies of documents in the multimedia repository of Wikipedia (http://commons.wikimedia.org), with the attribution of the source: Archives State Agency of Bulgaria and accurately completed document identification data and title: Name of the archive, collection ID, inventory ID, archive unit ID, sheet ID, title of the document / archive unit, and place a link to the website of BASA (http://www.archives.government.bg);
    2. to publish the digital copies of the documents in the multimedia repository of Wikipedia with the technical parameters used by BASA when publishing documents in its own webpage (http://www.archives.government.bg);
    3. to provide, within one day after digitization and upload of archive documents, information to the following emails:
      • M.Terzieva@archives.government.bg;
      • I.Georgieva@archives.government.bg;
      • V.Petrova@archives.government.bg
      about the number and the kind of digitized documents, including Archives State Agency of Bulgaria and accurately completed document identification data and title: Name of the archive, collection ID, inventory ID, archive unit ID, sheet ID, title of the document / archive unit, as well as the precise web address of the uploaded documents within the multimedia repository of Wikipedia;
  2. The representative of Wikipedia agrees not to use the data obtained in the course of this agreement for other purposes before publishing them in the Internet through Wikipediato popularize BASA and the treasured archive documents which are part of the National archives of Bulgaria.
  3. After uploading the documents to the multimedia repository of Wikipedia, the Representative of Wikipedia is not to be held responsible:
    1. for the ways of interpreting and utilizing the information, contained in the archive documents, by the users of Wikipedia;
    2. when the usage of the archive documents by users of Wikipedia contradicts the Copyright and Related Rights Act, or other laws;
    3. for any bad faith usage and abuse of the archive documents by the users of Wikipedia.

ІІІ. The sides agree that separate elements from the documents may be published with higher resolution, whenever this is necessary to ensure their identification.

ІV. This agreement is signed for a term of 6 months, as of the date of its signing. After the evaluation of its effectiveness and benefit for both sides, and in case of need, the agreement will be renewed. In case of nonfeasance of the above clauses of the agreement, each of the sides may disclaim from the agreement, at any moment before the end of the six-month term.

The present agreement, containing three pages, was composed in two identical copies - one for Bulgarian Archives State Agency and one for the representative of Wikipedia, and was signed by both sides.