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Wikipedia Education Program/Spring 2012/Editor Statistics Arabic Wikipedia

From Outreach Wiki

The editor statistics, updated weekly, tabulates the activity of courses and students participating in the Arabic Wikipedia Education Program courses. It lists the number of edits made to live Wikipedia articles, the total amount of content (in bytes) added to articles, and the number of days each student has been active.

Total number of bytes added and number of edits made are crude measure of how much contribution a student or class have made. However the more important indicator is the quality of contributions. This can be partly determined by the number of article brought to either good article or featured article status. Sometimes, the best way to improve an article may be to reduce its size.

Keep in mind all of our classes are operating on different assignment schedules, so expect variation throughout the term.

  • Last update: 2012-08-03 19:03:22
  • Prior update: 2012-07-21 04:20:51
  • Editcount starts on February 1, 2012

Course ranking

Rank Course title University Number of students Average number of characters added to articles per student Total bytes added to the article namespace
1 French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 11 67792 745711
2 Spanish, translations Cairo University 13 48924 636011
3 French, translations Ain Shams University 5 32828 164141
4 Drama Ain Shams University 7 28303 198121
5 Asian Politics Cairo University 5 16159 80795
6 Mathematics Cairo University 5 5825 29127
7 Mass Communications Cairo University 8 194 1548

Student ranking

Rank Change Username Course title University Number of characters added to articles Number of edits Last edit Number of days with at least one edit to articles
1 Helanafola French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 360287 685 2012-07-13 30
2 Minamonoch French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 335887 186 2012-07-08 42
3 ولاء عبد المنعم Spanish, translations Cairo University 258483 1336 2012-08-02 89
4 OAHassan Drama Ain Shams University 127100 230 2012-07-07 31
5 Asmaa egyspain Spanish, translations Cairo University 76363 215 2012-06-03 25
6 Yara Elalawy Spanish, translations Cairo University 70718 359 2012-06-30 35
7 Christina Samir French, translations Ain Shams University 68516 35 2012-06-29 17
8 Sherouk feps Asian Politics Cairo University 63104 3 2012-07-14 2
9 A.aMAGDY Drama Ain Shams University 59557 51 2012-06-06 9
10 La princesa2012 Spanish, translations Cairo University 35256 107 2012-07-10 17
11 M. Elsadany Spanish, translations Cairo University 34714 33 2012-05-26 8
12 Samar Abdul-Hamid Spanish, translations Cairo University 31027 18 2012-06-08 8
13 Nirvana.zaki French, translations Ain Shams University 28136 21 2012-06-12 10
14 ساره محمد عبدالخالق Spanish, translations Cairo University 27947 54 2012-05-18 3
15 Louiselabe French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 25096 20 2012-07-03 4
16 Christina Agaiby Spanish, translations Cairo University 23881 58 2012-05-17 6
17 Doaa Naser Spanish, translations Cairo University 23864 35 2012-05-19 5
18 Sararagai French, translations Ain Shams University 23418 8 2012-06-21 3
19 Marianne.ramsès French, translations Ain Shams University 23345 14 2012-06-27 6
20 Wessam Attia Spanish, translations Cairo University 22802 39 2012-05-20 9
21 Dina.moawad French, translations Ain Shams University 20726 12 2012-06-16 4
22 إنجي حجازي Spanish, translations Cairo University 19025 58 2012-05-19 12
23 Shimaa elesaely Mathematics Cairo University 18817 6 2012-05-20 2
24 HadeerKattan Asian Politics Cairo University 17691 3 2012-05-19 1
25 Mireille emile French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 15832 1 2012-07-03 0
26 Hadeer darma Drama Ain Shams University 11464 2 2012-06-29 2
27 رؤيا الكناني Spanish, translations Cairo University 10740 16 2012-05-08 5
28 Doaa m. ismail Mathematics Cairo University 9564 2 2012-05-20 0
29 Maghwa French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 6816 4 2012-06-23 3
30 سهر سمير Spanish, translations Cairo University 1191 7 2012-05-18 0
31 Reham medhat Mass Communications Cairo University 1165 3 2012-04-29 1
32 Meldessouki French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 926 3 2012-03-15 2
33 Makarona French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 867 3 2012-05-03 2
34 Ali Assem Mathematics Cairo University 637 1 2012-05-18 1
35 Ghaderahmedali Mass Communications Cairo University 250 6 2012-04-26 1
36 Hussein abdulhakim Mathematics Cairo University 109 1 2012-04-12 1
37 Lina El Gezawy Mass Communications Cairo University 107 2 2012-04-26 0
38 Maie mohsen momtaz Mass Communications Cairo University 26 2 2012-04-26 1
39 Alaa yehya Asian Politics Cairo University 0 0 2012-07-14 0
40 Randa nagy Asian Politics Cairo University 0 0 2012-05-19 0
41 Labelle French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-03-15 0
42 Magymagedmostafa Asian Politics Cairo University 0 0 2012-07-14 0
43 Victorhugo French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-07-03 0
44 Hthcima Drama Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-05-18 0
45 Shimaa.m Mathematics Cairo University 0 0 2012-05-20 0
46 Alaa M. Ayman Mass Communications Cairo University 0 0 2012-04-26 0
47 Omneya.nagib Mass Communications Cairo University 0 0 2012-04-29 0
48 Shereenfouad Mass Communications Cairo University 0 0 -- 0
49 Aya tarek mahmoud Mass Communications Cairo University 0 0 -- 0
50 Mima91 Drama Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-07-07 0
51 Nchorrab French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-07-08 0
52 Sara khater Drama Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-06-06 0
53 Neveen drama Drama Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-06-06 0
54 Sahwa French, extracurricular Ain Shams University 0 0 2012-03-15 0