GLAM/Newsletter/March 2012/Contents/Italy report
48 Italian GLAMs
By39 Italian GLAMs Share Their Knowledge on Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Projects
39 Italian GLAMs have joined Share Your Knowledge and contribute to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects by adopting the Creative Commons attribution share-alike license on a selection of their contents. The institutions involved have different sizes, focuses and contents; among them, 35 Italian GLAMs contribute to Wikipedia with African content within the project WikiAfrica. There are the magazines Africa e Mediterraneo, Assaman: Rivista italo-africana and Nigrizia; the publisher Epoché edizioni and the online radio Afriradio; two African film festivals Festival del cinema africano di Verona and Festival Cinema Africano Asia e America Latina and Cinemafrica-Africa e diaspore nel cinema; The Artistic collections of Castello Sforzesco - Extra-European Collections of Milan, Fondazione Alessandro Passaré and the art organisation A-POIS. Art Projects to Overcome Impossible SItes which have implemented projects in Senegal and Morocco; lettera27 Foundation, Officina GRIOT and Fondazione ISMU; the NGOs Medici con l'Africa Cuamm and COSV. Fondazioni4Africa has joined the project with contents produced by their projects in Senegal and Uganda supported and implemented by Fondazione Cariplo, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, Fondazione Cariparma, AMREF ITALIA onlus in partnership with AMREF Uganda, AVSI, COOPI, CESVI, Associazione Good Samaritan, Fondazione Piero e Lucille Corti, The Permanent Centre for Education, ACRA Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina, CISV Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato, COOPI Cooperazione Internazionale, COSPE Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti, Istituto di ricerca CESPI Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale, AST Associazione dei Senegalesi a Torino (in collaboration with the association Trait d’Union) and Associazione Stretta di Mano. The Italian association of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières has involved VSF-E Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Europa to contribute with the documentation of their activities in Africa. Contribute to Share Your Knowledge also Associazione Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus with the entire Pietro Pensa Archive and the contemporary art centres Careof with the DOCVA Archive, Connecting Cultures and Kunstverein Milano.
Wiki Loves Monuments supported by 8 Italian GLAMs
8 Italian GLAMs support Wiki Loves Monuments and contribute with their documentation in Creative Commons attribution share-alike to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects: Gruppo Archeologi d'Italia, Liber Liber, and 6 ecomuseums: Ecomuseo delle Grigne, Ecomuseo Val Taleggio, Ecomuseo del paesaggio di Parabiago, Eumm-Ecomuseo Urbano Metropolitano Milano Nord, Visitadda-Distretto Bioculturale dell'Adda, Ecomuseo Tra il Chiese, il Tartaro e l'Ozono.
Gianni Caproni Museum of Aeronautics
An informal collaboration between the Wikimedia projects and the Gianni Caproni Museum of Aeronautics (Museo dell'Aeronautica Gianni Caproni) of Trento, Italy, has been started this March. MLWatts, a Wikipedian who worked for the museum on a voluntary basis in summer 2010 (doing some historical research, digitizing and filing photographs, and attending to other similar tasks) kept in touch with the museum's staff all trough 2011 and recently involved the insitution in a collaboration with the Italian Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and other projects (which will soon come to include the English Wikipedia as well). The aim of such a collaboration is to improve the quality of the articles related to the museum itself as well as those related to the development of early Italian aviation – a development which was strongly influenced by aeronautical engineer and industrialist Gianni Caproni. So far, the Italian article about the museum has been greatly improved and the English one has been put under creation. Several pictures have been added to the museum's cateogry on Commons and, as future steps, new articles on the Caproni topic will be created and improved on and
Although the Wikipedian concerned collaborated with the museum and acted as an intermediary between the institution and the Wikimedia projects, the cooperation has not yet been formalized by an agreement between Wikimedia Italia an the Gianni Caproni Museum. However it is possible, and even likely, that the collaboration will become an actual residency during the summer of 2012.
News in brief
- Share Your Knowledge press conference: Press conference has presented new cultural institutions involved in Share Your Knowledge and WikiAfrica, within the Festival di cinema africano, dell 'Asia e dell' America Latina, Milan, 25/03/2012.
- Training for Wikipedians in residence, March-May 2012, Milan. Three months side-by-side training for Wikipedians in residence, lettera27 Foundation in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia.
- Francis Awinda presents WikiAfrica at the Lagos Black Heritage Festival, 02-09/04/2012.
Wow, I am impressed by the Italian institutions supporting Wiki Loves Monuments! That is terrific, but I wonder if they really understand all of the Italian copyright issues on national heritage in Italy and whether they are legally able to contribute those CC share-alike photos? I would hate for this to turn into some kind of ugly legal battle after the fact. Jane023 (talk) 07:09, 6 April 2012 (UTC)
- Hi Jane, too bad you did not receive an answer earlier. However AFAIK these institutions do get a legal counsel before signing agreements regarding WLM or other GLAM partnerships, it's in their own interest being informed and aware of what they are doing. It's not just one person from the inside that decides and sends a consent email :) -- 13:47, 15 May 2012 (UTC)