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Education/About/Office Hours/December 18 2018

From Outreach Wiki

Ask me & Tell me Anything

hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation Education Team
link Monday, December 18, 13:00 PM UTC

Join the Google Meet


Which topic would you like to share/discuss/ask about? Add your suggestions here:

  • Melissa to introduce herself
  • Sailesh to present the new Education outreach design
  • Liang to talk about indigenous languge projects in Taiwan and year of indigenous languages ideas
  • Galib updates from Bangladesh -


  • Liang
  • Galib
  • Melissa
  • Nichole
  • Sailesh
  • Chiayi
  • Rajeeb

Minutes of the meeting:

  • Achievements of the Activation of Native Languages and the Formulation of Writing Systems of Aboriginal Languages Presented in the Exhibition of Aboriginal Education https://web.alcd.tw/uploads/2018/12/11/b69c014953bf3f6c7bf8fd0b208c0847.pdf
  • Liang: She is writing about Indigenous languages or revitilasation of Indigenous languages, Indigenous languages study center worked with Wikimedia Taiwan, last y
  • Nichole:the last time they said they are interested in making the materials CC licensed, are they still thinking about it?
  • Liang - will follow up on this.
  • Nichole: WikiSource could be a helpful tool for the project?
  • Liang - Project presents difficult issues about uniform writing of oral expression.
  • Nichole: WikiSource helps practice typing the language, can be a first step.
  • Sailesh will share documents with Liang on similar projects.
  • Liang: in Taiwan written documentation of aboriginal language - most resourceful: translated bible. Issue: old system of translation.
  • Sailesh: Do aboriginal languages follow the Chinese script?
  • Liang: No, they are spelled phonetically
  • Sailesh - shares about Santali language and the issues around script for this language. Wikipedian from Odia community helped developed a tool to turn roman script into santali script. It's easy in Wikipedia. Sailesh will share resources with Liang.
  • Liang: 3 things he needs to follow up on. 1) any further information about year of indigenous language? 2) Is there a discussion already ongoing in Wikimedia Community?
  • Nichole: so i don't think there are consistent conversations happening yet. Wikimedia Norway is working with UNESCO. And the WMF team is going to register as a partner: https://en.iyil2019.org/registration/organization-registration/ we want to see if there are ways to tap into what folks are already doing and give it visibility. We are also inviting the head of the year of indigenous languages to give a keynote a the conference in April. I'll coordinate with them. A lot of people in the movement are working on it already, we're going to try to coordinate more around this topic
  • Melissa: I joined the Education  team a month ago, I have a background in Education and I have worked in Education in Latin America

Sailesh: I'm going to share some links. You're seeing things first! We shared the logo here first, and now we're sharing some new designs for the Education space on Outreach. Any thoughts on the new design?

  • Nichole: I like the new design.
  • Liang: I think the localization is an issue. But yeah, the layout is way more colorful and consistent
  • Sailesh: Can you explain more about localization?
  • Liang: Translation for teachers from the newsletters, there's a specific person who does that. I like the layout.
  • Nichole: The previous pages in the portal mostly are not translated. Very small percentage of the education portal is translated. The navigation here is actually simpler and the pages are simpler. What are some suggestions you have to make it more easily localizable?
  • Liang: I think if I am a professor/teacher who just learned there's Wikiepdia Education Program in Taiwan and if I want to check then...I don't know why but here from my end I see there are two separate columns from the panel. There are two brs from above. One is in Chinese which Ive translated and the other "about/countries" there's still collaborative here on the page I see.
  • Nichole: We need to clarify there's two things here. One is the newsletter that's using the old navigation so that will be different.
  • Chiayi: If we are discussing design of edu-news, here is my 2 cents..I think it’s mobile reading friendly, but I think few highlights color are too light. so I need to try harder to focus on it.  
  • Liang and Sailesh: review the newsletter, discuss single page view.
  • Liang: it's way more intuitive, I like the color and the font, there's a photo, lovely!
  • Nichole: let's consider the single page view, but we want to keep the production time down
  • Sailesh & Nichole: it's still a work in progress, this is a mock up
  • Liang: the news we don't need the localization, but I would highly encourage the translation of the main panel (in the education outreach portal). If we make this into chinese it would be hlelpful to lead the teachers. They read english but if we translate this (the main panel) they'll read faster and get a better view of the landscape of wikimedia in education program.
  • Sailesh: we're still populating it with content.
  • Nichole: we  def will work on translation
  • Liang: youtube link takes you to WMF channel
  • Nichole: it'll link to playlist
  • Liang: I've seen some videos about conferences, research, there are some related links to education specifically. It's a very good start. I really like the whole rebranding
  • Chia-Yi: last few months I tried to translate news. When I read it some highlight colors are too light so when I read it's too light and I need to read harder. I just checked on my mobile and it's more purple, more mobile- user friendly and it's a great advantage. My two cents is about the highlight. Some words are getting smaller. Last thing is not about design, but I think the content this month is more about Wikimedia Foundation. I also like to read some news related to Wikimedia.
  • Sailesh: thanks for the feedback, received similar feedback on mobile friendly version. the colors are the official ones for the branding, we'll try to see how we can work on that issue.
  • Nichole: maybe keep it black but make the underline in one color. I'm sure we can figure out something to keep it light and colorful but make it nice to read. About the other comment on WMF news there's a lot because we haven't shared much in the past month and there's been a lot of things happening recently. I'm not sure if you like it or not?
  • Chia-Yi: I refered to the percentage, this month was more from the foundation. I understand there maybe was not more news from the global community and more from the WMF and I understand more things happened and I liked that too.
  • Sailesh: the newsletter is outsourced, the community sends the articles and sometimes they're not too many or sometimes they have some errors. We'll try to reach out to more communities.
  • Nichole: It would be good to make some content curation. Would be cool to have some articles co-created with community members, have a profile of some leaders and what they're doing in the education program, and rotate that every month so you can see what different peopel are doing around the world, keeping the same questions. So we can hear about different parts of the world that we don't normally do. We can do more to engage people to get them to submit stuff.
  • Sailesh: great idea, I'll write it down so we can work on it in January.

- Chia-Yi left meeting cus coffee shop was closing -

  • Rajeeb: Very good evening from Kolkata, India. New to Wikipedia for a few years. Met Sailesh in Israel. I'm a teacher and always been interested in the Wikipedia program and reading the emails and finding out what's happening. I'm glad to be part of the conversation and hopefully I can be a part of your family.
  • Nichole: if you have any questions feel free to jump in
  • Rajeeb: so far I've talked to Sailesh about my dream of bringin more education. Talking about how to introduce wikipedia into classroom and later to university as well. So I'm looking for guidance from all of you. I want to start from my own school were I've done my own education. It's the oldes school in Kolkata. Wikipedia is used by students and teachers. I did one outreach event at university, II've done an editathon but I'm looking to bring education that students can contribute cus I see that all around the world.
  • Nichole: what's the infrastructure and literacy skills of the sutdents? what language would you like them to work in?
  • Rajeeb: english first, then indian language, bengali, etc. they're more popular in kolkata
  • Nichole: editing in english as a student is very very difficult and demotivating for students. if you start with english start with how to consume information in wikipedia. and when you start with contributing, start contributing in the mother language of the students. it's really great cus it helps with the mother language of the students and help with knowledge equity.
  • Rajeeb: can we start with the simple english part?
  • Nichole: yeah
  • Rajeeb: how would I approach teachers? To make them intersted in wikipedia. Even when i was teaching a lot of students would check google, then wikipedia to do their project work, even homework. but some think that the knowledge they get from wikipedia is not 100% correct. how do I approach that?
  • Nichole: one or  two pointers, Liang you also have experience approaching teachers, you can jump in. 1) how to read wikipedia critically can help teachers understand that in today's world you need to learn how to understand information critically, that helps them reach a goal they already have to achieve in their classroom: information literacy. Liang, how do you approach teachers?
  • Liang: right now teachers approach us we started with the teachers we know. We started with teachers who can give us some space to design the curriculum, and we work the curriculum with them. Our first successful curriculum in Taiwan was from the teacher's assistants. They give us whole semester, students pick the course- we started with 20 student scale, but we tried to document everything after that we tried to pitch other teachers and professors in Taiwan, a lot of time foreign resources are not related to locla context but once we have our own we can relate to that.
  • Nichole: we'll also be developing new resources, if there's something you want to see, ping the education team so we have a good idea of what we should prioritize
  • Liang: The link that Sailesh share, you can find about evaluation and editing resources which can help you find out what to look into Wikipedia articles.
  • Galib: I want to share my experience, to work with WIkipedia Education program, you have to maintain a good relationship with the faculties, last week I had a meeting with the Dean of the x University. The first difficulties are language barriers, the problem it's difficult for students to work on local languages, the resources are easily accessible in English.
  • Galib: Can we work on some goals for the new year that we didn't achieve this past year?
  • Nichole: It depends upon your local community, and set some goals around that.
  • Liang: join the Slack channel! We still haven't decided what to name the Slack channel.
  • Nichole:
  • Galib: I'll be part of the creatve commons global summit in lisbon next year
  • Nichole: this was a productive meeting, we have an action point as well: share your story in the Slack channel. Thanks everyone for joining us!