
[edit]How to make an Educational hackathon about digital sources, big data, and Wikipedia?
During november 2015 we conducted an educational hackathon aimed at teaching concerning the purpose of generating creative educational proposals on Big Data and Internet resources in educational settings. Taking advantage about an digital art was shown in an interactive museum it gave the opportunity to made an original way of working based on prototyping and design thinking, the proposal was designed by four leading institutions in Argentina, included Wikimedia Argentina. In the event, Wikipedia was an ideal place to analyze and provide collective knowledge for construction case. With new results, where opportunities for training, inspiration and creation were combined.
Know all the experience
[edit]The use of data and sources on education

When we use Internet in educational spaces it is usually to access information, but how do we know if the source is reliable? Do we know how to distinguish what is a verifiable fact that not? Do we distinguish valid data from another not? Do we distinguish a valid source from one that is not? many questions come to us and only one answer: teachers must have tools to guide the strategic use of the various sources, make good use of the data and read and edit Wikipedia.
With these ideas three leading institutions in Argentina came together to develop a unique experience: A hackathon Educational called the "teaching creaton" in order that teachers and leaders in technology and education became transformed into designers of educational proposals to resolve these questions.
For the organization we met: FLACSO PENT, with 12 years of experience in teacher training in innovation;in particular the Department of Education who specializes in teaching data and sources. Share with Wikimedia Argentina´s Education Program the concern to create spaces for promote the critical participation in the public debate and agenda to check and critical use of Wikipedia as educational source, to strengthen the quality and banish prejudice and misuse in educational environments.
The third institution was a non-profit organization which focus is in fact check of politics speeches.
The experience was supported by Telefonica Foundation (Argentina´s branch), interested in promoting linking between art, technology and education was conducting the sample Big Bang Data organized jointly with the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, a favorable space to develop this unprecedented event in the country.During november 2015 we conducted an educational hackathon aimed at teaching concerning the purpose of generating creative educational proposals on Big Data and Internet resources in educational settings. Taking advantage about an digital art was shown in an interactive museum it gave the opportunity to made an original way of working based on prototyping and design thinking, the proposal was designed by four leading institutions in Argentina, included Wikimedia Argentina. In the event, Wikipedia was an ideal place to analyze and provide collective knowledge for construction case. With new results, where opportunities for training, inspiration and creation were combined.
A valuable instance was that four institutions to join forces, intentions and purposes to be positioned in an innovation agenda in education: from the subject, to the methodology.
Convocatory and principal actors
The event was free and launched his call and a few hours there were more than 400 registrants from all latitudes, which validated the interest in the topic and the proposal. It was designed for an attendance capacity of 70 participants to ensure a dynamic and committed exchange between colleagues. Profiles are thought educators were linked to technology and can then be spokespersons and replicate the experience in their communities.
The event also had a non-traditional instance, which was filmed by streaming a few moments to share the experience with all those colleagues from other latitudes. Also, different working tables participants have been linked remotely, making contributions and participating exchange group. This also gave the characteristic of hybrid event, with attendance and other online participants in the working groups, coordinated by graduates of FLACSO PENT.
"Our challenge was to create an educational event design articulated different times, he was agile and dynamic for the participants, but also enable the joint creation. To do this, we combine strategies: inspiring presentations, an exhibition that opened the game to new thoughts and themes accompanying tables graduates experts , specially trained for this role, with a clear dynamic, planned and supported by various technological environments that they enabled online work and collaborative" (Mónica Trech, PENT FLACSO´s coordinator)
Step by step for a challenging schedule
Design and develop an educational hackathon is not easy: we had only 4 hours and clear objectives to which we all three teams. He finally had the following activities:
After the welcome, 2 challenging and motivational talks were conducted by and Wikimedia Argentina, whose aim was to stage some issues: From WMAR we address how the architecture of an article (showing discussions and records ), because Wikipedia is not it is a primary source, how to access reliable sources from the references and how encouraged to edit . Checked by tells the coordinator of education:
"From We believe that one of the main problems for a qualified participation in the public debate, dialogue is what matters to us all, it is able to distinguish what is fact or verifiable fact and is bias or opinion. To do this it is important to know what is a fact , how it can be verified and how to differentiate the possible sources to reach a robust conclusion. During the educational hackathon held a workshop to give some clues about how to work with data and sources in the classroom from including multimedia resources and transmedia we have developed . We also show the public speech activity, a love story , an activity for teachers , wherever they are to work these concepts from a short fiction and use social networks with their students. "(Ariel Merpert ,´s Education Program Coordinator)
To continue the journey, there was a brief explanation of the sample and a visit with the specialists of the Foundation Telefónica, considering the visualization and representation of information on issues of Big Data as an artistic and potential activism in the digital era, which brings new ways to understand and to be on the Internet. So, How the space of co-creation begin? some provocative questions were presented on the screen. Participants had to choose one and thus teams were organized by interest groups. As a basis hackathon format, these questions became problems to address, they were guiding the creation of educational proposals based design thinking, prototyping and using technology as sources.
The hybrid experience and co-creation moment

The stage of production and creation was coordinated by 9 members of Network Graduates of FLACSO PENT, a community of practice that works collaboratively problems that make the field of education and new technologies.
"From the PENT FLACSO, we generate a training workshop attending classes to work on building the role of coordinator table identifying its functions as it would be a key figure in the educational device. Explore online applications to be used in the Didactic Creaton, as well as we focus on different tasks that should meet the coordinators : Streamline desk, articulate physical participation with remote participants , working in the hybridization of experience, accompany and guide the production process and finally systematize the work of the group in order to post them online. " (Monica Trech and Corina Rogovsky, PENT FLACSO´s coordinators)
In this way, it has been key choosing a digital tool that allows layout and discuss ideas, share and discuss the proposals and interact online with remote participants. Thus, teachers and specialists will co-designed nine proposals guides pedagogical work, in many cases, Wikipedia was the gateway .
They are now available online: Creaton dashboard
The event was planned as a forum for open participation. From the beginning the use of the social network twitter with the hashtag #creaton, which amounted to be trend topic in Buenos Aires was proposed. Unusual when it comes to education. This was one of the different platforms (such as Periscope) used to transmit and to continue the event, which helped to publicize and position the actions of institutions, etc. as spaces of reference.
Participants were not only part of a unique experience in construction with others, but obtained a certification of attendance to his name, met new colleagues with which to create more powerful ideas for education and lived in the first person other forms of learning and teach.
After the event a survey among several findings, the perception of the use of Wikipedia in the classroom improved for participants, representing some of the sentences are carried out:
"I learned about all the scaffolding that supports Wikipedia and it gave me an idea of the possibilities in the classroom. " (Teacher participant)
"To know the editing and discussion’ tools are very valuable for our students to be critical and builders of their own knowledge.” (Teacher participant)
[edit]- Learning pattern: How to design and develop an education hackathon within the Wikipedia Education Program
- Photos , PENT Flacso´s post,´s post.
- Social networks: Storify , Periscope, Facebook