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From Outreach Wiki

Program Contacts


Gonzalo Bazgán, Executive Director of Wikimedia Argentina
Luisina Ferrante, Head of Programs of Wikimedia Argentina
Florencia Guastavino, Education Manager of Wikimedia Argentina

Program Portals


Program Description


Education Program

Strategic approaches


Education program is framed through the following strategic approaches:

  • Educational Edit-a-thons: Education project where students come in close contact with the history of their local contexts and contribute to the collective building of their historical memory. The building of historical memory as an educational line is strongly present in schools and classrooms.
  • Collective Experiences: Contests and editing challenges to improve the content within Wikimedia projects. These initiatives are mainly online and their main goal it's to learn how to edit or solve an issue with a human rights perspective and a educational view in the digital culture under free licenses.
  • Workshops:Teachers as leading actors get involved in the Digital and Free Culture. We have hosted several editing workshops for teachers and actors of influence in the classroom to generate change, and to impulse Wikimedia projects by using the design thinking methodology. Also we worked with strategic matters like gender, human rights, digital gap, and we involved different educational local actors too.

Main Projects

Education Program 2019
Activity Description of the activity
Online course: “Bridges for a free, digital, school culture" We develop two online training courses for educators, of a 5-week duration each, to address the use of Wikipedia in the classroom and encourage the educators’ ability to edit in the classroom and in their educational projects. These courses are aimed at educators and university students with the objective of generating exchange on the use of the Wikimedia projects in the school syllabus. The focal point is the editing tool as the main element to tackle Wikipedia content and add it to their educational activities. The final objective of these dynamics is the production of projects by the educators, so they can practice looking up and editing Wikipedia during their classroom activities with their students. These online experiences are carried out on our online campus, designed with the goal of consolidating the region’s own online spaces within the community.
Online courses carried out together with higher education institutions We develop at least two courses in the frame of online distance activities together with higher education institutions. We take part in the design and development of online projects that emphasize how to edit Wikipedia and its main characteristics. These projects adapt to the institution and the kind of educators/students that we are working with, narrowing the training course and the edition of content to the specific themes on which they work. The objective is that the institutions take ownership of the tool in their educational projects and in the content evaluation.
Editing Clubs with high school students We develop 3 training sessions for educators (48 hours of work, approximately), follow-up activities in the classroom and we close with an editing club for students, related to the subjects on which we work during the activity. The objective is offering training sessions for educators that provide tools to tackle the work with Wikipedia inside the classroom, the search for information and analysis of sources to support the articles. We back this work dynamics with educational resources and online support. The aim is to close the activity with an Editing Club for students, generating a space where they can put into practice what they have learnt during the training sessions.
Photography and Editing contests with schools from all over the country We develop at least two contests in collaboration with other regional organizations that involve the Argentinean education community in the Wikimedia projects, especially in Wikimedia Commons and Wikiviajes. We encourage educational activities that aim at increasing the value of the historical heritage of each place and the history of the school. In pursuit of contributing to the construction of a collective memory that tackles the students’ representation of their reality and their surroundings, using Wikimedia projects as engines of such transmission.
Wikipedia at the university We develop 3 training sessions (3 days of work) for university students and professors. We offer an intensive session about Wikimedia and its projects, to later go into detail about the edition of content in Wikipedia. We are particularly interested in the creation of projects that can support the research done by the classes that get involved with our program. We aim at encouraging professors and students to use the Wikipedia platform as another space to consolidate debates and content within the academic world.
Training program for educators We develop training courses for educators and educational references of secondary and higher education. We offer three sessions. In the first one, we present the Wikimedia Argentina Foundation, our projects and the main characteristics of the Argentinean chapter. Then, in the following two sessions, we go into detail about the editing tools of Wikipedia and offer activities to take Wikipedia into the classroom.
Wikilesa and WikiDDHH We develop spaces for the edition and production of content related to Crimes against Humanity perpetrated during the period of State terrorism in Argentina in the 1970s and 1980s. This project is carried out in collaboration with Cosecha Roja , with the aim of updating and consolidating the existing Wikipedia content on the process of Justice and the role of Human Rights organizations in our country. In the frame of this cooperation, we organize editing events about this theme in educational and cultural spaces at a national and regional level.

Education and Human Rights Program Metrics

  • Results up to November 2024.
Participants Content pages Teachers Middle and Higher Students Stretegic partnerships
2500 3000

- 1104 Wikipedia - 253 Wikidata - 1684 Wikimedia Commons

700 1800 20 educational and human rights organizations from Argentina inside and outsude the Wikimedia Movement.

Institutions involved


Our main partners are the following:

Wikipedia in the classroom, a special site with guides, instructions and tutorials. 

Long-term relations 2015-2014

Wikilesa Editathon.
Teachers Training "Creatón Didáctico" 2016
Club de Edición en La Rioja.

Most of the resources are available only in Spanish

Editing guides for students and teachers

Construyendo nuevos horizontes.

Experiences / case studies


Special marketing


Video tutorials


Learning & sharing


Contribution to the Educational Newsletter

Wikimedia blog

Media Coverage

  1. Educational Magazine Noveduc: Puentes entre las culturas escolares, digitales y libres
  2. "Teach, explore and recognize information on the web", Wikipedia case
  3. Digital free educational magazine: Learning to educate (available in spanish)
  4. Wikimedia Projects and Education (available in spanish)
  5. Beyond Wikipedia: an educational opportunity
  6. Educational Magazine Noveduc: Wikipedians in the classrom, an innovative experience (available in spanish)(available in spanish)
  7. 3rd Conference University on ICT and Innovation in the Classroom, "Links between education, digital technologies and free knowledge" (available in spanish)
  8. Education activities: 
  9. Edit-a-thon Education + GLAM programs: :
  10. Women behind Wikipedia:
  11. Contests:
  12. Gender gap:
  13. Wikimedia Argentina Storify updates
  14. Wikilesa: Human Rights Edit-a-thon
    http://cosecharoja.org/editaton-wikilesa-un-aporte-la-memoria-futura/ http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1880956-una-jornada-para-crear-articulos-en-wikipedia-sobre-derechos-humanos
  15. Programa de Educación de Wikimedia Argentina a nivel regional