Education/Greenhouse/teamsubmissions/On boarding declining language in Wikipedia project through engaging indigenous community

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Wikimedia & Education Greenhouse - Team Application Form


Before starting your application, make sure all members of your team have read and understood the team application guidelines.

Project idea


What idea do you want to bring to the W&E Greenhouse?


Describe the context, theme, goals, strategies, duration of your proposed initiative. Be as detailed as possible.

Background: In Bangladesh, 98.8 % [1] of the population a speaks Bangla as their mother tongue. Apart from Bangla, we have 35 small indigenous community language[2] which are under threat of decline. Among these, in 2018[3] one of the indigenous community languages, “Santali Wikipedia” officially their journey in Bangladesh. However, still the other small indigenous communities need hands from our side (Bangla Wikipedia) to on-board their own language Wikipedia to promote their language and use the platform for education purpose.

Main Idea:

Having “inclusivity” in mind, the idea of this proposal focuses on on-boarding declining language in Wikipedia project through engaging indigenous community educators/experts/students to promote education in their mother tongue.

Among these 35 languages, initially our team members are thinking of on-boarding “Chakma Language Wikipedia” as this is in incubator project[4]. We will be working on capacity development of the community and development of basic articles in Chakma language. After developing these articles, we will print these and publish offline book and distribute in the primary and high schools. This basic articles will help Chakma students to learn in their own language.

As mentioned, the project idea consists of online and offline activities such as software development, recruiting editors, engaging educators, creation of articles and publication of the offline books.

Who would you engage in your initiative?


Describe the kind of relationships you have or plan to establish with potential partners in your community, both in your local Wikimedia community and education community.

Educators and experts who can speak, read and write in Chakma Language. And students of the Chakma language.

In terms of financial resources, how much money would you need to achieve your goals?


Indicate your local currency and describe how you would divide your budget for this project. We are trying to give an rough estimation of our budget.

Number Category Number of units Cost per unit (BDT) Total cost BDT Total in USD
1 Transportation 15 3,000 45,000 534
2 Food for Event Participant 200 100 20,000 238
3 Internet 10 2,000 20,000 238
4 Banners, Pamphlets, Handouts, Photos 400 80 32,000 448
5 Book print/publish 150 500 75,000 890
6 Part-time Co-coordinator 2 20,000 40,000 475
6 Miscellaneous 25,000 300
Total 257,000 3,123

How will you know your project has succeeded?


Describe potential evaluation plans, indicators, tools, etc. that will help you identify if you have achieved your goals Because our team consist of five persons, Two of us, ‘Tribeni Chakma’ and ‘Ajoy Talukdar’ are from the Chakma community. We will have experts support from the respective community. Again, our team member, Md. Ibrahim Husain has good expertise on facilitation and training. His expertise will help us to recruit editors and capacity development of editors and educators.

Another group member Afifa Afrin has good command in project implementation and she will take care of offline management. Other member is Sharif Uddin. he have grown up a passion to translate articles in his native language simultaneously. He took part in an editing competition in Bangla Wikipedia in 2014 and got first place according to the count of editing. He have a better communications with his native community and try to regularly attend in his community programmes.

What are the biggest challenges you foresee in the implementation of your idea and how would you address them?


Be as detailed as possible.

  • The biggest challenge will be finding experts in Chakma language.
  • Recruiting enough editors to create basic articles in alignment with the proposed timeline.
  • Time limitation of the team members.
  • Publication and distribution of offline book will be challenging


  • The team will engage volunteers from Chakma community to reach out the experts.
  • The team has a plan to appoint a part time coordinator from Chakma community.



Why do Wikimedia projects belong in education?


Share your team’s perspectives on the value of Wikimedia projects in education.

Why do you want to join the W&E Greenhouse?


Share your main reasons for applying, motivation, expectations, and what you would like to achieve by the end of this experience.



Who are the members of your team?


Indicate who will be the main focal point and the roles/responsibilities each member would have during the development of your project. Make sure your Wikimedia usernames are properly linked.

  1. User:Afifa Afrin - Main focal point
  2. User:Ibrahim Husain Meraj
  3. User:Sharif Uddin
  4. User:Tribeni Chakma

Where is your team located?


Keep in mind that all team members should be in the same location for the on-site visits from the WMF Education team. These visits will be scheduled in advance in consultation with the selected team. Dhaka, Rangamati, Bangladesh

What languages does your team speak?


Please, keep in mind that for this first edition of the Greenhouse the main language of communication will be English. Bangla, Chakma

Have any members of your team been involved in organizing other Wikimedia outreach initiatives?


Please, provide links to newsletters/photos/documentation if available.

Which members of your team will join the “Wikimedia & Education Project Management” online course?


Remember at least one member of your team needs to join and fully complete the online course.

How did you learn about this opportunity?


Get involved


Community notification


You are responsible for notifying relevant communities of your proposal, so that they can help you! Depending on your project, notification may be most appropriate on a Village Pump, talk page, mailing list, etc.--> Please paste links below to where relevant communities have been notified of your proposal, and to any other relevant community discussions.



Do you think this project should be selected to participate in the W&E Greenhouse? Please add your name and rationale for endorsing this project below! (Other constructive feedback is welcome on the discussion page).

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