Education/News/November 2018/Important updates from Wikimedia Education Team

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Important updates from Wikimedia Education Team


Author: Sailesh Patnaik

New Wikimedia Education logo

Summary: The newsletter includes some important updates from the Wikimedia Education team, from revamping the Education portal to introducing Wikimedia Education Slack workspace.


  1. Share your opinion on revamping the Education portal
  2. Guidelines on how to use Wikimedia Education logo
  3. Join the Wikimedia and Education Slack Channel

In January 2018 the Education Team at the Wikimedia Foundation published a report based on a survey that asked all of the Wikimedia & Education stakeholders for input about our communications and branding. The research conducted last year found that our communications materials and resources were not reflecting the work of our large and active community of program leaders, educators, students, policymakers, and many more.

We made an announcement in July that the Education team would start making some initial revisions to the Education space on Outreach Wiki. Including phasing out the current visual identity, archiving outdated pages and information, developing new content that is relevant and current, and improving overall usability.

The first step in this process was to decide on a new logo. In October, the Education team invited community members to decide the new logo designed by the Communications team and select among the three other options available. After a week-long process, a new logo was selected for Wikimedia and Education. The Education team at the Foundation will use the new logo selected by the community as the primary identity for Education in the Wikimedia movement, where it will be used on Outreach and on resources and presentations made by the team.

Following the guidelines by the Communications team, the community members can localize the logo in the context of their Education program/movement.

  • The logo must not be changed, no other fonts should be, neither the shapes or texts should be shifted from the existing position.
  • No new illustrations can be added to the logo or used as part of the logo
  • Illustrations can be used on materials/ apparel branded with the Education logo.
  • In terms of localizing the logo, refer to the Wikimedia Foundation guidelines. Text must in black and in font Montserrat

Maria Cruz has also supported us by taking the new logo color and creating a color scheme that we can use. The following colors are part of the color scheme:

#00A7E2 #DAD6D6 #92BFB1 #F4AC45 #CA054D

Revision of Education on Outreach

The research we did last year about the perception of our visual identity and the usefulness of our online space was insightful and informative. It is shaping the way we are revising the Education space on outreach. In order to gather more information, and collect your opinions, we’re offering another opportunity to share what you want to see in the revised Education space on Outreach. You can share your opinion on the form linked here

This survey will be conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.


Currently, Wikipedia + Education Facebook group is the only collaborative social space for community members and educators to share their work and learn from others. To bring these interaction/discussions to a more public participation, The Wikimedia Education team wants to introduce a new Wikimedia and Education Slack workspace developed specifically for Wikimedia Education. We hope to see you there.

Slack is currently being used by other actors in the Open space such as Creative Commons. Many of you are probably taking part in conversations there. We think having open conversations on certain topics ongoing in Slack channels could be a great thing for the Education community, and we’d like to try it.

Note: In case you don't want to join Slack, you can still be part of the Education discussion on Facebook or Education mailing list.

Tags: ;Education portal ;Wikimedia Education ;Education Team