Education/Newsletter/August 2014/Wikimedia Deutschland's July report

By Christopher Schwarzkopf (Wikimedia Deutschland)
Charting Diversity: Paper on diversity in Wikipedia released
[edit]Last year Wikimedia Deutschland cooperated with Beuth University of Applied Science concerning diversity in Wikipedia. Now we published the key conclusions and recommendations and translated them into English, so that you and other interested people can also take a closer look at our work concerning diversity and maybe get some input for your own work. The English title of the paper is “Charting Diversity - Working together towards diversity in Wikipedia” and it starts off with a review of the current situation in the (German) Wikipedia. Furthermore, it offers different concepts and possibilities how to improve diversity in Wikipedia. We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on the paper and hope you find it helpful. You can download the pdf-version of the paper by clicking on the image to the right, if you would like to get a printed copy of it, just contact us as we have lots of hard copies in our office and are happy to supply you with as many as you need.
Open Educational Resources conference 2014: Program and partners
[edit]In early July we officially published the program of the Open Educational Ressources Conference 2014. We are looking forward to a lot of interesting talks and international speakers like Michał Woźniak from the Free and Open Source Software Foundation and Per Brahm, founder of an OER-platform called Learnify that is funded by the Swedish government. We also managed to win a lot of partners and supporters for the conference, for example the German Commission for UNESCO, the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg, the Technologiestiftung Berlin and the Deutsche Bildungsserver. More Partners and supporters are Lehrer Online, Open Education Europa, Zentrale für Unterrichtsmedien im Internet e.V., Creative Commons, the Open Knowledge Foundation, Co:llaboratory, L3T, rpi virtuell, segu,, Serlo and iRights Lab.
Other activities
[edit]- Our project Wiki Dialog (“Wiki Dialogue”) aims to accompany discussions in wikipedia in a structured and solution-orientated way. The first dialogue “quality” that was initiated by the user Plani is drawing to a close and will present its outcomes soon to the community. At the moment we are developing more dialogues on subjects like “non-administrative conflict management” and “how should the Zedler-award ceremony 2015 look like?“.
- We created a short video for the first event of our event-project “digital competencies” that shows some impressions of the evening as well as interviews with the speakers and Prof. Jürgen Friedrich of the board of Wikimedia Deutschland. The video can be found here.
- Last month's HIVE Berlin meetup took place under the heading “HIVE Berlin meets OK Festival 2014”. Because of the Open Knowledge Festival that took place in Berlin at the same time, there were a couple of international guests present and talked about their projects and work, for example Matt Hanninan from HIVE Pittsburgh. He told us a lot about the learning network there which was pretty helpful and interesting for us. Besides that, the School of Open, the Open Coalition and HacKidemia presented their work.
If you have any questions regarding out activities, please contact us!