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Education/Newsletter/February 2015/New education learning patterns answer many of your questions

From Outreach Wiki

By Samir Elsharbaty (WMF)

Snippet: New education learning patterns answer many how-to questions for program leaders.

Do you want to launch a new education program in your country or at your educational institution or have you already begun but you face many challenges? Do you need consultation, advice, or ideas on how to do things and how to overcome certain troubles that others went through before? If your answer is yes, then you should pay a visit to the Learning Pattern Library; a place where you can find answers to most of the important questions you may have when planning and implementing an education program and many other Wikimedia-related projects.

A learning pattern is a method to share a successful strategy previously used to execute or evaluate an activity or to solve a problem so that others may benefit in the future. Recently, many new learning patterns have been created to give advice and tips to help with education projects. The new learning patterns troubleshoot many of the basic issues everyone has when designing and running their programs, from how to reach out to new educators and how to bring students to editathons to improving the quality of articles by new users, etc. Like everything in the wiki world, the learning patterns are editable, translatable and anyone can write new ones at any time.

Browse education learning patterns in the Learning Pattern Library or create a new one.

Browse all learning patterns in the Learning Pattern Library or create a new one.

Read more about learning patterns and this project on the Wikimedia blog.