Education/Newsletter/June 2014/Czech senior citizen program supported by a WMF grant

A new program of Wikimedia Czech Republic, Senioři píší Wikipedii (Senior Citizens Write Wikipedia) has received substantial financial support from the Individual Engagement Grant program (IEG) of the Wikimedia Foundation. The project was inspired by another successful Czech program Studenti píší Wikipedii (Students Write Wikipedia) as well as by senior citizen programs in other countries (Germany). The program was first outlined by Professor Jan Sokol, Czech philosopher and Wikipedian, at the Czech WikiConference in 2013 (see the lecture here). In spring 2014, Vojtěch Veselý from Wikimedia Czech Republic started to tie bonds with key institutions and planned a complex program that would reach PC-aware senior citizens in several ways. In fact, the project proved so complex that it needed its own independent grant, which would cover not only the basic expenditures (rent, printouts) but also the time of the manager, Vojtěch Veselý. The grant proposal has recently been approved and we are looking forward to first results of the program!
Editor's note: This program has been covered in Czech and English media. (See: Articles of interest in other publications).