Education/Newsletter/September 2012/Communicate OER: Help improve Wikipedia content about education!

You may have seen last month's announcement of Communicate OER. This month, we're back – now 25 members strong, spanning at least four continents and numerous professional backgrounds – with some specific suggestions and requests!
- Join the Communicate OER team by signing up here
- Review a Wikipedia article about education on its talk page, and let us know on the project's talk page
- You can now follow us on Twitter: @CommOER
- In the next few days (October 16–18), Pete and Sara will be teaching Wikipedia editing at the Open Education conference in Vancouver, Canada. We'll have live video feeds via Google Hangout at 11:45am Tuesday, 11:15am Wednesday, and 2:30pm Thursday (all times Pacific). Watch for details at WP:COMMOER or on our Twitter feed!
We hope to have your help as we build a thriving community of Wikipedians to curate content about openness in education. Please feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or suggestions!