Education/Wikipedia Education Program Survey Report 2017-18/online meeting
Back in fall, the Education Team at WMF launched a survey to understand better perceptions around what Education Programs are and could be, and to get a better hold of perspectives from the different stakeholders in the Wikimedia Movement and from potential and actual partners of the Movement.

Meeting to discuss the report
[edit]Why: After receiving over 200 answers, we will discuss what we learned, and what the education team will do based on the results.
When: February 14th, at 16:00 UTC
Where: Online, through Youtube Streaming right here:
Who: Program leaders, affiliates, contributors, staff and anyone else interested in Wikimedia+Education are welcome to join! The Education Team at WMF will be presenting.
You are also welcome to register in the Facebook event
The Report
[edit]You can read it on-wiki here:
If you'd rather download a pdf, we have you covered:
There's also a Wikimedia blog post you can find here:
Ask your questions + Share your comments
[edit]Once you've taken a look at/read the report, you might have a few questions, or might want to make some comments. Please write them right here. They will be answered/used in the online session. Feel free to write them down right here:
* Hi there. Thanks for sharing the report and for the great work of summarizing the survey data. Nevertheless, in order to assess more objectively the work of the Wikipedia Education Program --which seems to be the reason of this page and the conference call-- it makes sense to also have a straightforward overview of accomplishments, IMHO. At this point, the recommendations that are made on the report appear to be exclusively based on the impressionistic --and as you put it biased-- perspectives of some people --and sorry if I got this wrong. Is there a way to have some quantitative, aggregated data on how many programs, instructors, students etc. have worked within the scope of the Wikipedia Education Program? Is this data available across time? Moreover, it would have been nice to provide some context on the history of the Wikipedia Education Program, as I believe I fail to have a sense of what the original thinking for the strategy, the design of the program was. In short, the report provides good material but I do not see it as sufficient for grounding the recommendations that have been put forward. (PS: Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the conference call, as this is the last day of Carnival and fun calls :) ) Thanks. --Joalpe (talk) 10:04, 6 February 2018 (UTC) * Last one year i am actively working with Education team in Some Online+offline events to Promote Wiki Education Program. From my personal view and as per survey report we can easily understand that Wiki Education Program established more in Europe/American region rather than Asian region. If we analyse involving Teachers and Students Program, Visiting Scholars program, but i will open a Proposal to extend Wiki Education Program more in Asian region. Though we are working on it with some new strategy like i have started a new wiki club Sri Jayewardenepura University Wiki Club in Sri-lanka involving two Department but i need more Support from Education Team to run the program. I think we need to figure out more strategy to involve more Institution into Wikipedia Education program. See here i proposed an idea on IdeaLab. Mohammed Galib Hasan (talk) 15:34, 14 February 2018 (UTC) * Speaking from a more technical point of view - since I am a QA, you may ask me to run some overall check on what is done to make sure that everything is in line in terms of usability and functionality Etonkovidova (talk) 16:43, 14 February 2018 (UTC) * *
There will also be a possibility to use the chat of the Youtube streaming in order to participate during the meeting. (But write them down here anyways!)