GLAM/Newsletter/March 2020/Contents/WMF GLAM report
Mapping GLAM-Wiki collaborations
ByUpdate regarding mapping GLAM-Wiki collaborations
It has been previously reported that as part of the collaboration between Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Sverige, a project to map all the GLAM-Wiki activities in the movement in a structured format has been started in November 2019. By the end of the first week of April 2020, a phase of this project has been concluded.
This phase largely includes substantial research and prototyping of a database to host the gathered data. Data being gathered from various sources on and off Wikimedia projects has been populated to four broad categories - GLAM Wiki collaborations, GLAM-Wiki events, GLAM-Wiki conference participations, and GLAM-Wiki tools. The first category of projects are comparatively large projects, the second category mostly contains single/stand-alone events ranging one day to a few days such as edit-a-thons, and the last category where the Wikimedia community engaged with conferences and other similar activities in the sector.
Sources that have been researched through for gathering the data are as follows;
- This Month in GLAM: January 2011 to February 2020
- Grant reports submitted to the Wikimedia Foundation: Rapid Grant, Conference & Event Grant, Project Grant, Simple Annual Plan Grant, Annual Plan Grant through Funds Dissemination Committee process[1], Individual Engagement Grant, Project and Event Grant, and Travel and Participating Support.
- Wikimedia Foundation’s Affiliate reports: Reported via pages and subpages linked from Meta:Reports.
By the end of this (the first) phase of research and data gathering, a total of 884 GLAM-Wiki collaborations, 1,340 GLAM-Wiki events, and 344 conference participation/presentations, have been recorded. It is to be noted that these may contain duplicates and umbrella projects, which might be cleaned up and further processed in the next phase. In addition, it is also to note that there are significant data gaps, which are to be dealt in the next phase.
As the final objective to be achieved is to migrate this data to a website based on Linked Data architecture i.e. using Wikibase. Before proceeding with an actual site, Wbstack service has been used to create a test site ( and a substantial testing of data models and properties has been done in the time available. Learning from this testing would be used in later stages.
Details of later stages of the project would be communicated in the coming months, as required.
You are encouraged to review, provide feedback and also help us in filling gaps in the documentation sheet linked below:
GLAM-Wiki Activities Mapping - Community Review and Feedback Sheet
- Only ‘Impact reports’ have been researched due to time limitations. ‘Progress reports’ which are submitted mid-term have not been covered, unless specifically required in a few cases.
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