GLAM/Newsletter/October 2015/Contents/UK report
'Hywel Dda' edit-a-thon & Pic-a-thon
The residency at the National Library of Wales continues to progress well. This month we held a public 'Hywel Dda' edit-a-thon to work on content relating to the ancient Welsh law system. Tempted by cake and a chance to examine a copy of one of the original Medieval manuscript, the event was well attended by academics from Swansea and Aberystwyth Universities as well as Library staff and volunteers. We have now switched to training all new editors with the visual editor, to great applause. A staff 'Pic-a-thon' was also held this month resulting in 200 articles about Welsh places getting pictures for the first time, and whilst Wikipedia celebrates it's 5 millionth article, the National Library of Wales are celebrating reaching 10 Million views of pages containing its images. Finally I have to thank the team who hosted the Wikidata training day at Wikimedia UK headquarters this month. My mind has been opened to a world of possibilities!