History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia/Commons/Sharing

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History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia

Sport pictures

There are several basic concepts that should be understood when contributing pictures related to sports to Commons. If you understand these concepts and practice, you will be able to successfully contribute to articles that meet Wikipedia's policies*. They are:

  • Copyright
  • Licensing
  • Uploading an image
  • Categorising an image
  • OTRS

One of the first things you should think about before uploading sport or athlete pictures to Commons is copyright. What is the copyright status of your pictures? Who owns the copyright? Is the image in the public domain? Only images in the public domain or having an appropriate copyright license can be uploaded on Commons. To determine the copyright status of an image, ask the following questions:

  • Did I take the picture? If yes, you can upload the image. See Licensing section for more information.
  • Was the picture taken prior to 1955 in Australia? If yes, the image is in the public domain and you can upload the image.
  • Does the image a Creative Commons Sharealike or GFDL license? If you can show where the imaged is licensed this way, you can upload to Commons.
  • Do you know who took the picture and can you easily contact them? If yes, read the page about licensing and the page about OTRS. You’ll need them to give permission before the image can be upload.

If you do not know who took the picture, when it was taken, where it was taken and the copyright status of the picture, you will not be able to upload the picture to Commons. You may be able to upload it to Wikipedia as Fair Use. See http://enwp.org/WP:FUC


With the exception of pictures in the public domain because their copyright expired, pictures uploaded to Commons need to have an appropriate license. If you have a picture you have taken that you want to share on Commons, you will need to chose a Commons acceptable license. The licenses that can be used for commons include CC-by, CC-by-SA and GFDL.

See print guide for descriptions.

Additional information is available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ and �http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html . If you want to upload to Commons, you will need to chose one of these licenses or a license that gives similar rights. If you are not comfortable sharing these rights, you may want to reconsider sharing your sport photos on Commons. When asking others if you can share their copyrighted content on Commons, you will need to ask them what license they want to use so OTRS will know. Be sure you understand the license you chose or you encourage others to chose.


If you want to share pictures on Commons related to the History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia (HOPAU), there are three ways to do this. They are:

  1. Upload an image using http://c.enwp.org/wiki/Special:Upload
  2. Contact OTRS at permissions-commons@wikimedia.org to have them upload the pictures for you.
  3. Contact the History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia (HOPAU) project and ask for their assistance in uploading. Contact details are found on http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/HOPAU/Contact_us

In all cases, you will first need to know what copyright the pictures will use before going any further with uploading.

Uploading preparation

The Australian Paralympic Committee has requested that people participating in the HOPAU try to follow a similar set of guidelines when uploading pictures. These guidelines cover file names and scanning resolution.

File name

Files should be named using the following naming scheme: <Date (ddmmyy)> - <Brief description including subject name and sport> - <Image rating> - <Resolution in dpi>��Example file name: 080811 – Swimming Tim Roe on the blocks - 2a – 300dpi.jpg

Scanning resolution

If you are scanning pictures from print, the HOPAU project is encouraging people to use the scanning standards set by the National Library. A copy of these standards can be found at �http://www.nla.gov.au/standards/image-capture . For pictures smaller than A6, scan using a spacial resolution of 1200 ppi. For A6 to A5 pictures, scan using using a spacial resolution of 600 ppi. For pictures larger A5, use 300 ppi.

Uploading: Commons

One way to share your pictures on Commons is to upload them yourself. An advantage to this method is your pictures appear almost immediately. To upload pictures, go to http://c.enwp.org/wiki/Special:Upload . You may need to scroll down, but you should see a form like the one below:

See print guide for screenshot.

The form has three major parts: File upload, description, and upload options. File upload involves selecting the file on your hard drive you want to upload. The options section can be ignored.

Uploading: OTRS

Using OTRS is one of the best options for image sharing when you want to upload batch images, or when you do not own the copyright for the images yourself.

Uploading: APC

If you have multiple pictures you want to share on Commons, one method of sharing them is to contact the History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia project and share your pictures through them. The advantage to sharing in this way is the pictures easily be used by the Australian Paralympic Committee and the National Sport Information Centre.

To share images with the APC, e-mail Tony Naar at tony.naar@paralympic.org.au or Nick Roberts at Nick.Gregory.Roberts@paralympic.org.au. Include information such as who owns the copyright for the pictures, the copyright owner’s e-mail address, the license the pictures are to be uploaded using, the file name and a corresponding description for each image.


OTRS is an acronym for Open-source Ticket Request System.


Categorising pictures on Commons is important because it makes them easier to find.