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From Outreach Wiki
Latest comment: 8 years ago by NSaad (WMF) in topic updating outreach

updating outreach


Hi! We on the Education Team noticed that our list of countries and programs needs updating. Will you help us by updating the information available on your country page? If you need some ideas about what to include, let us know. Some great information to add or update includes: institutions, numbers (courses, students, educators), key contacts and any links to other documentation on wiki (in any language -- English summaries are helpful but not required).

If you have any ongoing programs we would love to hear more about them! You can always get in touch with your regional focal point on wiki or by email. Here is our contact information:

Tighe Flanagan (Africa and the Middle East) tflanagan ﹫ wikimedia.org

Vahid Masrour (South America and Europe) vmasrour ﹫ wikimedia.org

Nichole Saad (Asia and the Pacific) nsaad ﹫ wikimedia.org

--NSaad (WMF) (talk) 20:14, 26 January 2017 (UTC)Reply







Nashik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal


Meeting on 28th January 2015 -

Participants :

  • Vaijayanti Pawar (Joint Secretary, Nashik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal)
  • Sangeeta Pawar (Member, Managing committee, Nashik Shiskhan Prasarak Mandal)
  • Abhishek Suryawanshi (Ambassador, Wikipedia Education Program)

Overall discussions -

Target students - Adivasi community and rural students.

  1. Local Partner - Nashik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal
    42 units, 25,000+ students. Total 5 campus (Nashik, Nashik Road, Igatpuri, Sinner, Nandgao)
    Computer Literacy Award Winner - (Given by Govt of India.)
  2. Institute reach : Pre-primary to Post graduation
  3. Internet : All rural campus have internet facility. (Including UPS Backup)
  4. Previous efforts - Intel Teach to future : Teachers were trained on how to use technology.
  5. All rural schools are managed by teachers. (By the teachers for students)
  6. Oldest institute in India. In 2018 Mandal will complete 100 years.(Mandal started in 1918).

Samsonite (Corporate)


29th January 2015 Meeting -

Participants :

  • Diwakar Yawalkar (Deputy Director-IT, Samsonite)
  • Milind Vaidya (Asst Director, Soft Luggage, Samsonite)
  • Sangeeta Mahajan (Member,Nashik Shikshan Prasarak Mandal)
  • Gajanan Hode (Secretary, Nashik Shikshan Prasarak Mnadal,Nashik)
  • Girish Pagare (Computer Society of India, Nashik)
Meeting with Shikshan Prasarak and Samsonite

CSR Activities -

  • Focus on girl education
  • Infrastructure support
  • Tree plantation and water management.

Ideas :

  • Training sessions.
  • Updating local information on global platform through students.
  • Access to global information (rural India computer centre outreach)
  • Format and design style.
  • Representing local culture on global platform
  • Skills development workshops.
  • Referencing and citations - introduction.

Police Academy

  • Indian Police Service language training takes place.
  • Maharashtra police Academy - Officers Training Centre.
  • Maharashtra State - Higher Officer One year training takes place in centre.

Wikipedia Training : How to authenticate and modify information (with references).

Updates appreciated


Dear Netha,

Thank you so much for all of your updates to this page. It's looking great. I really appreciate your effort to improve the documentation here on Outreach wiki. I have a couple of questions:

  1. Rural Outreach India. This section links to the Meta page, but there is also an Outreach page. Is there some way to link to both -- if there the pages are substantially and substantively different?
  2. Program Contacts and Program Information. It is wonderful that there are so many contacts and so many programs for Wikimedia in education in India. And I really like the descriptive subsection titles. However, it is not yet clear whom to contact should one wish to know more about a particular project: Wikimedia India or CIS-A2K . Other countries also have multiple groups running education programs. They use subpages to help clarify who does what. For example, Mexico. They have 3 groups there. Each group lists only one contact in the primary contacts section. Additional contacts are listed on subpages, such as Education/Countries/México/Tec de Monterrey. Does this seem like a solution that would work for the Indian Education Programs page here on Outreach wiki?
  3. Notes posted above. AbhiSuryawanshi was kind enough to document some of his outreach efforts in India. In your opinion, is this talk page still the best pace to keep them? Or is there another page which already exists which would be better? If not, should we create some subpage(s) to document this good work?

Thank you again, dear Netha, for your help here. I am so very grateful for all you have done.

Sincerely yours, Anna Koval (WMF) (talk) 02:08, 12 December 2015 (UTC)Reply