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User:Jan eissfeldt/ongoing/2010

From Outreach Wiki

for Frank:

"my" University Cooperation Projects during this semester (2010; old):

1) de.wikipedia.org


  • fixed, inclusive improvement of the relationships to 4 european universities and the relevant committees of the national german parliament. ~140 community members were involved
  • some examples of other conference-related activities:
the university staff is required by their own administrative to participate in the skillshare writing contest (university announcement for staff)
the university will host speaches and university library cooperations abstract

  • cooperations requests from university staff until 2011, see 2010.2
  • done
  • done
  • done

University of Osnabrück

  • done
  • done
  • done
  • done

2) en.wikipedia.org

  • done
  • keep an eye on SMIPP
  • one missing component in use, restructuring under advicement
  • done
  • done

Others: A lot of support for different university and academic projects and monitoring modells; like wikisym 2010