Wikipedia for Teachers - University (Bookshelf)

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This page needs your help!
This deliverable is combined with Using Wikipedia as a teaching tool for higher education This is therefore rendered redundant for now. Aradhanar 17:01, 17 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Talking points

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Content development


Positioning message


As an educator, you know your students are using Wikipedia. But can you be sure they are using it well? The Bookshelf materials provide you with the tools you need to ensure your students understand for which purposes Wikipedia can be used and for which it cannot. The Bookshelf materials also provide lesson plans you can adapt for teaching students how to research, write, edit and work collaboratively. Asking your students to improve Wikipedia articles will add some extra value to your courses. By assigning Wikipedia articles as coursework to your students, they will gain:

  • insight into the creation process of texts on Wikipedia
  • experience in discerning between appropriate and inappropriate uses of Wikipedia
  • a strengthened ability to think critically and evaluate information sources
  • knowledge of the difference between fact-based and analytical writing styles
  • accountability to a global audience for knowledge they are sharing
  • experience of working in a collaborative environment.

Talking points

  • Explain smart usage of Wikipedia content - useful as starting point but not the end point
  • Explain how every Wikipedia article provides different aspects on a topic (generally). Recommend how it might be smart to make a quick stop at Wikipedia to double check wholeness of your coursework
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