Anatomy of an Article Poster (Bookshelf)

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Anatomy of an article aims to provide a visual aid about the different parts of a Wikipedia article. The deliverable will be designed as a poster.
Content development
- [Help] Help provides assistance to learn more about how Wikipedia works.
- [Wikipedia languages] Wikipedia exists in over 260 languages. Some Wikipedias are larger than others. English language Wikipedia is the largest with 3.4 million articles (Data July 2010).
- [Discussion] Discussion appears at the top of each article. Discussion is a place for you and other contributors to plan article structure, discuss and build consensus on article content, and ask for help from one another. When you begin contributing to an existing article, it is a good practice to study the discussion page to become familiar with the content decisions made for that article.
- [View history] View history at the top of the article allows you to view and compare past versions of the page.
- [Search] Search takes you to the article that matches your query. If the article does not exist, it displays the articles in which the word(s) appears.
- [Recent changes] Recent changes allows you to view edits made to all Wikipedia articles in chronological order. This allows you to monitor articles for mistakes and vandalism.
- [Log in/create account] Clicking Create account, at the top right of the page, is the first step in creating an account. An account gives you access to all features of Wikipedia and helps build your online profile.
- [Star symbol] {{highlight|Some articles have a star symbol to the far right of the title. These articles have reached a level where there they are so well-written, sourced, and comprehensive, that only experts can add much value them. A few such articles are recognized by the community as being of the highest quality. These are designated as featured articles and are displayed on the Wikipedia main page.
- [Article introduction/very first paragraph]Lead section summarizes the key points covered in an article. Note that the lead section is without a header.
- [Table of contents] Table of contents lists all the subtopics within the body of the article.
- [All sections after the table of contents and before references]The body of the article follows the lead section and includes specific headers and subheaders. A geographic location, for example, might have the following headers: History, Geography, Climate, Economy, Civic administration, Demographics, Culture, References, and External links.
- [Reference] Appendices and footnotes appear after the body of the article. These may include bibliographies, links to other Wikipedia articles, notes and references, relevant publications, and websites.
- [Image/Video/Media] You can upload different kinds of media to an article. A Wikipedia article will accept all popular formats for images, animation, audio, and video.
- [Unanchored text] Often you find a message displayed at the top of an article page that asks for your help. The editors use the message to flag to the community that the article needs improvement. Over time, this article will be edited and refined by users and this message will be removed.
- [Category] All articles may belong to one or more categories. By clicking on the category name, you will get a overview of all articles in that category. As an example look at the article, Moons of Jupiter, and click the categories shown at the bottom of the article.
Production notes
- Use the featured article Io (Moon) for this poster.
- The right side of the poster to be used for describing a particular feature/part of the page.