Education/Newsletter/April 2015/Greek Adult school completes wikiexpedition on Greek villages
By Marios Magioladitis (Wikimedia Community User Group Greece)
Snippet: Adult students with the help of their educators write Wikipedia articles in 2 languages and upload photos to Wikimedia Commons.
The Second Chance School of Corfu; a school for adults in the Southern Corfu has implemented a Wikiexpedition about villages in the area of Lefkimmi. This is only a small school of approximately 10 learners and three educators who managed in a limited time to achieve great results and to render information about the small villages of Southern Corfu accessible all over the world. The project kicked off three months ago.

The target was to enrich the Greek and English Wikipedia with articles and photos, the team took more than a hundred photos and most of them were uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, along with a 6-minute video that they presented in Digifest in Corfu Greece that took place in April 2015 and was organised by the Ministry of Education. The tasks were implemented both in English and in Greek. The outcome was excellent but the experience and what everyone gained from it was even larger.
Most of the learners had limited or no internet access at home and all the typing, translation work and the evaluation of the photos was done in the School.
This pilot education program was supervised by Marios Magioladitis (long-time Wikimedian and educator) with the help of Amalia Pagkrati (teacher of Greek language) and Angela Hirdari (teacher of English). The pilot was monitored with the help of the Education Program Extension and was evaluated by surveys and personal interviews with the learners. It is part of a larger collaboration of educators in Middle School Education in Corfu to integrate Wikipedia and its sister projects in the school program.
Watch a video about the project here.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Greece here.