Education/Newsletter/March 2016/First mentoring program between the Argentine and Mexican chapters
Snippet: A mentoring program about Wikipedia education program between to regional chapters.

During the 25 to 29 January in Buenos Aires the first regional mentoring program has happened. In that week the teams Wikimedia Mexico and Wikimedia Argentina were working on the exchange of experiences, projects and GLAM program.
On the other hand, Wikimedia Mexico began working on their future education program. Although they have some experiences, we have worked on the first steps to define and design a new program. Also we have given some strategies to focus into aspects such as the importance of regional context and how to create alliances with key educational institutions.
Besides we have talked about the strategic guidelines of Wikimedia Foundation in relation to the educational programs, to contribute at Wikimedia Mexico to design better strategy in this area, as well as major benchmarks and measuring success.
We have got engaged to contribute at Wikimedia Mexico in the next steps. Actually we have just finished a new learning pattern to help another educational programs in a mentoring program, take a look: How to transfer the knowledge and the experience of an Education Program.
Know more about the experience: Photos, video and Iberocoop proposal
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Argentina here.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in México here.