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Education/Newsletter/May 2017

From Outreach Wiki

This Month in Education

Volume 6 | Issue 4 | May 2017

This monthly newsletter showcases the Wikipedia Education Program. It focuses on sharing: your ideas, stories, success and challenges. You can see past editions here. You can also volunteer to help publish the newsletter. Join the team! Finally, don't forget to subscribe!

In This Issue
Featured Topic

Using WEP to build content in Ghanaian indigenous languages

From the Community

First Editing Club in La Rioja

First Wikipedia Education Program in Ghana at Ashesi University Launches

The International Conference on Education 2017

Basque Wikimedia Education program in full swing

Stepanakert WikiClub։“Wikipedia, because being clever is always in fashion”

A pilot project in Greece, a videoconference in Israel and a tool for all educators

From the Education Team

Educators in Asia gather to learn more about how technology can “Educate for Change”

Wikimedia participates in the Africa Regional Internet and Development Dialogue

In the News

What do you call a homepage? Incorporating indigenous knowledge into Wikipedia

Making the World Safer One Wikipedia Entry at a Time

Featured Topic

The Wikimedia Ghana Usergroup is exploring ways of setting up WEPs at institutions that teach local languages, and using it as a means of recruiting expert contributors. read more...

From the Community

In April and May we developed the first "Club de Edición" for teachers and students in our country, it was held in La Rioja province. Throughout three weeks high school teachers and students were trained on how to use Wikipedia in the classroom. read more...

Open Foundation West Africa rolls out the first ever Wikipedia Education Program in the West African sub-region at the Ashesi University read more...

In April 2017, I attended The International Conference on Education 2017, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In this conference, I delivered a presentation about using Wikipedia as a teaching tool in higher education, and about 30 people attended my session.read more...

The winter and spring terms have consolidated the Basque Wikimedians' education program with University of the Basque Country undergraduates from a number of subjects, who may get a credit on completion of their assignments. Wiki workshops have now expanded to the University's campus of Leioa near Bilbao. These outreach activities are expected to open fresh avenues for farther-reaching cooperation with public institutions. read more...

The article tells about Stepanakert WikiClub of Nagorno Karabakh which was founded in 2015. The WikiClub coordinator and the clubbers tell about their experience of becoming Wikipedians. read more...

Wikipedia editing was introduced for the first time to a core curriculum class in a Middle School in Kefalonia, Greece. Meanwhile, a versatile sandbox tool developed by Manos Kefalas of the Wikipedia Community Schools Association Greece is now available in Greek and English. These two exciting developments were communicated to an audience of school teachers in Israel via a video-conference organized by the Israeli Ministry of Education.read more...

From the Education Team

The Wikipedia Education Program participated at the Asian Conference on Technology in the Classroom 2017 in Kobe, Japan where educators and school administrators from all over Asia learned about the trends and application of Ed Tech in Asia. read more...

[[File:Wikipedia Education Globe 2.pdf|left|120px]

The Internet Society invited the Wikipedia Education Program to participate in the Africa Regional Internet Development Dialogue to contribute to the themes of transforming entrepreneurship and education in the age of the Internet. The ISOC Chapters also welcomed an opportunity to learn more about the Wikipedia Education Program and the Wikimedia Movement as part of their one-day advocacy and policy workshop. read more...

In the News

The Atikamekw Nehirowisiw Nation is working with Wikimedia Canada and other partners to create a Wikipedia of their own, a project that includes everything from writing out their culture’s history, to creating new words for concepts like “homepage,” to deciding if Wikipedia is animated (or not).more...

SHS DPT Students Work with Wikiproject Medicine

Thank you for reading!

Check back next month for new featured topics, community stories, and WEP news!