Education/Newsletter/November 2014/Wikimedia France obtains an agreement from the French Ministry of Education
By MatsWMFr (Wikimédia France)
Snippet: Wikimedia France recognized as an educational institution by the French Ministry of Education
On 9 October 2014, Wikimedia France received from the French Ministry of Education approval recognizing the association as a complementary educational structure of public education. This approval is issued for a period of 5 years.
The entity which granted us this approval is called The General Directorate of School Education (La direction générale de l'enseignement scolaire or DGESCO) and their mission includes the updating of school education programs for teachers and students.
In practical terms, this partnership improves the visibility of Wikimedia France as an Education Institutional and also erases misgivings about Wikimedia projects.
A national exhibition about education is planned for the end of November. This will be a good way to know the mindset of teachers and trainers.
We have printed more than 200 flyers highlighting this approval so that it is understood by visitors.
If other chapters have already received such approval legitimizing their action, please let us know!
Read the partnership announcement (in French) here.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in France here.