Education/Newsletter/November 2014/Wikipedia Education Collaborative members meet in Edinburgh

Snippet: Wikipedia Education Program leaders and the Education team at the Wikimedia Foundation have the second Wikipedia Education Collaborative meeting in Edinburgh.
Education Program leaders from 10 different countries traveled to Edinburgh, together with the WMF Education team, were they attended EduWiki Conference 2014 on Friday 31 October and had their second meeting on Saturday 1 November. (Their first meeting was held in Prague in March 2014.) Collab members share the belief that Wikipedia belongs in Education and their goal is sharing successful experiences and helping new programs start and develop.
Leaders worked together on reviewing the results of their work since their last meeting and defining their goals for the next six months. They worked in small groups to study the application of these plans. After the first meeting in Prague, some new members joined the Collab. Together they worked in the areas of education program resources, communications, mentoring, and recognition. This work will help pave the way for new programs seeking guidance and materials. Read the blog post.