Education/Newsletter/September 2016/Highlights

Armenian students inspire their parents to join Wikipedia
Wikimedia Armenia organized its 4th wiki seminar for teachers. (read more→)
Brazilian wikimedians interview editor of academic journal Wiki Studies
Members of the User Group Wikimedia in Brazil interviewed Robert E. Cummings, editor of Wiki Studies, a new journal on the intersection of Wikipedia and higher education. (read more→)
Cairo University students wrap up their eighth term and start their ninth term on WEP
The eighth term of WEP courses has ended and the ninth term of WEP has started in the Faculty of Arts at Cairo University with great success. (read more→)
Egyptian Wikimedians celebrate eighth WEP conference
Egyptian students celebrated the end of their 8th term on Wikipedia at Cairo University. (read more→)
Online wiki training for educators in Greece
Wikimedia User Group Greece starts free online wiki training for educators. (read more→)
Wiki Workshop at Saint Petersburg Internet Conference 2016 in Russia
Visitors to a major Russian Internet Conference learned that there are other Wikimedia projects in addition to Wikipedia. (read more→)
Wikipedia as a Teaching and Learning Tool in Medical Education at IAMSE Medical Education Conference
Wikipedia was presented as a teaching and learning tool in medical education at the IAMSE Medical Education Conference. (read more→)

"Writing a new article is a special experience that feels new every time"
An interview with Yotam Svoray, a high school student who serves as an "official" Wikipedia guide to younger students. (read more→)
Video projects redefine student Wiki work and student community service
Through Wikimedia multimedia projects, Mexican university students give back to society. (read more→)
Outcomes report on a Wikipedia Course “Skills for Producing and Consuming Knowledge”, Tel Aviv University
An outcomes report about “Wikipedia: Skills for Producing and Consuming Knowledge”, a for-credit, cross-campus, elective course dedicated to contributing to Wikipedia at Tel Aviv University in Israel. (read more→)
Swedish National Agency of Education endorses Wikipedia Education Program
A new national training program for educators developed by the National Agency of Education includes a module on the Wikipedia Education Program. (read more→)
Psychology students of Uludag University are very proud of contributing Turkish Wikipedia
Psychology students create articles on major psychology theories and theorists on Turkish Wikipedia at Uludag University, Bursa. (read more→)
West Africa
West African schools will test Kiwix, the offline Wikipedia reader
Seven Senegalese schools and the regional office of education of Foundiougne (serving 33 junior high schools and 7 high schools), will be testing the Kiwix offline Wikipedia during the 2016-2017 school year. These schools are in cities with limited access to the Internet and in small towns with little or no electricity, no cell phone coverage, and no Internet. (read more→)
Programs and Events Dashboard Update
WMF and WikiEd Develop New Dashboard for Education Courses on Wikimedia Projects. (read more→)
Articles of interest in other publications
News about Wikipedia in education in different publications around the world. (read more→)