Education/Newsletter/September 2016/Online wiki training for educators in Greece
By Marios Magioladitis and Geraki (Wikimedia Community User Group Greece)

Snippet: Wikimedia User Group Greece starts free online wiki training for educators
Wikimedia User Group Greece has started a program to train teachers, via long-distance, on Wikipedia and its sister projects. The aim is to show the potential use of Wikipedia as a teaching instrument. The two main pillars that can build the integration of Wikipedia in Greek schools are its value as an encyclopedia and its philosophy of knowledge production mechanisms.
The courses are free and offered by experienced Wikipedia volunteers. Held remotely, using screencasts and bidirectional communication via Skype or Google Hangouts, the course is tailored to the needs and questions of each teacher. The program includes an introduction to Wikipedia, training on basic editing (editorial policy, use of Visual Editor, Content Translation, and other tools), and best practices for using Wikipedia in education. New training materials will be produced, including videos and cheat sheets, which will be useful for training a general audience as well as educators.
The program aims to attract educators in all levels of education. Approximately 300 educators are currently registered. This effort is coordinated by long-time Wikipedian and educator Marios Magioladitis.
Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Greece here.