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Education/Newsletter/September 2016/Swedish National Agency of Education endorses Wikipedia Education Program

From Outreach Wiki

By Sara Mörtsell (Wikimedia Sverige)

Training material is issued by the National Agency of Education in Sweden to inform teachers how to contribute to Wikipedia and improve information and media literacy skills.

Snippet: A new national training program for educators developed by the National Agency of Education includes a module on the Wikipedia Education Program.

During spring 2016, staff at Wikimedia Sverige have co-authored a training module with representatives from Malmö University as part of a new national education program for educators focused on literacy. The module was finally launched in June and freely accessible in the open course portal.

The training program was developed by the Swedish National Agency for Education and the Wikipedia module includes a theoretical framework about sharing knowledge, information literacy and digital media, as well as instructional material on how Wikipedia is organised and videos showcasing Wikipedia assignments from one of the classrooms taking part in the Wikipedia education program in Sweden.

Two things are significant with this partnership. The first is the potential of scale when it comes to educators who will learn about the Wikipedia and the Education program from a quality resource like this one, and the other one is what it means to have the endorsement from the National Education Agency and what it communicates to educators throughout Sweden in terms of Wikipedia as a legitimate vehicle for knowledge sharing and learning.

Read more about the Wikipedia Education Program in Sweden here.

Read the blog post in Swedish here.

Explore the training module in Swedish here.

Watch one of the classroom videos in Swedish here.