GLAM/Newsletter/April 2016/Contents/Sweden report
Connected Open Heritage;; Digkult; ArbetSams museidagar; VISS; Museernas vårmöte; GLAM/ED collaboration
In the ongoing court case between BUS and Wikimedia Sverige (regarding images of public art at the Supreme court answered the questions asked by the district court in a reply April 4. The answer was in favour of BUS, saying that a large structured database might have a commercial value and that transfer of images to the public might infringe the copyright of the artists. The district court will now take the answer under consideration before they make a decision, and a verdict might come after the summer. The effects on Freedom of Panorama in Sweden are still unclear, but there is an ongoing discussion on Wikimedia Commons about it.
Connected Open Heritage

For Connected Open Heritage the work in April has continued with participation at some conferences, talking to GLAMs about what images they can contribute with, preparation of a landing page and templates at Commons and the first upload of images.
Wikimedia Sverige, represented by Lennart Guldbrandsson, helped organizing Digikult 6-7 April. The conference has a focus on digital heritage in the cultural sector. Among the talks were one from Lydia Pintscher about Wikidata, Anna Troberg (ED at Wikimedia Sverige) talked about the ongoing court case, and Calle Eklund talked about WikiProject Hedemora and the use of QRpedia codes there.
ArbetSams museidagar
At the annual gathering of the Council of Workinglife Museums they highlighted their participation in Wiki Loves Monuments as a great example of how to get visibility for small GLAMs, and also one of the projects they will continue to support with prices and attention in their communication.
A collaboration with the Water Authorities of Sweden (Vattenmyndigheterna) has started where we are looking at mapping their data about surface waters (and surface water quality) onto Wikidata. This data is reported to the EU as part of the Water Framework Directive and the aim is that the work done with the Swedish data will make it possible to map (and import) such report data from all participating EU states onto Wikidata.
Museernas vårmöte
At the annual spring meeting for the Association of Museums there was a full day workshop in editing Wikipedia and contributing with images to Wikimedia Commons hosted by the Swedish Exibition Agency and Wikimedia Sverige. As it was a side program most participants at the conference had selected other seminars and workshops to attend, and the turnout was not as great as expected. Still some help were given to GLAM staff who had both tested to edit articles earlier and some who were new to editing and contributing to the Wikimedia projects.
GLAM/ED collaboration

In the intersection between education and GLAM the Council of Central Museums invited Sara Mörtsell (education manager at Wikimedia Sverige) and Gunnel Thydell (a teacher using Wikipedia a lot) to talk to the staff involved in education and pedagogy at the museums. 22 participants learned about how they can make better use of Wikipedia and other projects, and also more specific about project Välkommen till min plats (Welcome to my place) and the collaboration between Wikimedia Sverige, National Heritage Board and Stockholmskällan and how that will lead to an open educational resource.
OMG does this mean Wikidata will know of more Swedish lakes than Finnish lakes? :-D Nemo 13:56, 10 May 2016 (UTC)