GLAM/Newsletter/April 2018/Contents/Italy report
Libraries in the spotlight
ByArt+Feminism edit-a-thons
BALI (Linguistic studies library at Ca' Foscari University in Venice) joined in Art+Feminism 2018 and organized in order to translate and improve pages about women artists of the Sinsombrero, Edo and Arts and Crafts movements.
Smart City Week in Trento
Biblioteca comunale di Trento and Trentino-Alto Adige Wiki user group organized a two-day-event during Smart City Week. On Friday presentation of the Ancient maps digitalization project Geographies of the Early modern period and Georeferencing workshop held by our newly appointed board member Maurizio Napolitano. On Saturday Behind the Scenes event in the codex archive and edit-a-thon about Trentino history.
BEIC reached 20 millions!
Images uploaded by BEIC (Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura, Milan) reached last month 20 million visualizations on the Wikimedia projects. Since 2014 till now, BEIC uploaded 20.000+ files (mostly frontispieces from ancient books and photos from the Paolo Monti Collection). They are now used on 31.500 pages - nearly 20k articles in more than 200 languages on Wikipedia. See details (in Italian).
Pablo Picasso photographed by Paolo Monti in Milan, 1953. This image was viewed 1,1 million times last month on 29 different languages.
Bust of the philosopher Zeno of Citium. Copy of Augustean era of a Greek original, National Archaeological Museum, Naples. Photo by Paolo Monti, 1969. Viewed 490.000 times on 30 different languages.
C. Julii Caesaris quae exstant, 1678. Viewed 338.000 times on 148 different pages.
AIB Basilicata and Wikimedia meetings
WMI members Luigi Catalani and Claudio Forziati held a series of meetings for the Basilicata chapter of AIB (Italian library association) about "GLAM-wiki: strategies, best practices and opportunities".