GLAM/Newsletter/April 2024/Contents/Netherlands report
Informal GLAM hack session
ByInformal GLAM hack session, 19 April

On 19 April a small, informal GLAM hack session took place at the KB, national library of the Netherlands.
Wikimedians from KB, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden University Library and Wikimedia Netherlands got together to socialize and work on GLAM focused tasks related to Wikidata, Commons, Structured data on Commons and OpenRefine.
Thanks to tooling we were for example able to change the atrribution in a series of drawings from the previously attributed Keiga Kawahara to Ishizaki Yūshi, according to changed scientific insights, in the Wikitext of these files using OpenRefine. We added this creator as structured data using Petscan and AC/DC and changed the category for this pile of files with Cat-a-Lot. A few actions remain to be done, as f.e. changing the filenames of these images.
The meeting was deliberately improvised, there was no preset organisation, agenda or outline, just a room, a pack of stroopwafels, a welcoming atmosphere and 4 Wikimedians with a common interest to share knowlegde and help each other out in finding solutions for technical GLAMwiki issues related to the collections of their institutions.
The next session will take place on June 14th at Leiden University Library. All Wikimedians with an interest in GLAMwiki are welcome. Please reach out to OlafJanssen if your are intereseted in joining.
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